February 4, 2025, 8:02pm
I had a document that was using the Canadian basemap Canada Base Map - Transportation (CBMT) MapML Service Preview
This has previously worked directly with our mapml-viewer.js :
<script type="module" src="http://localhost:8080/geoserver/mapml/viewer/widget/mapml-viewer.js"></script>
But after a recent GeoServer update that is no longer the case, the layer is not displayed by default (even when checked).
The CBMIT link provides the following snippet:
<script type="module" src="https://geogratis.gc.ca/mapml/client/web-map/mapml-viewer.js" crossorigin></script>
<mapml-viewer projection="CBMTILE" zoom="2" lat="61.209125" lon="-90.850837" controls>
<layer- label="Canada Base Map - Transportation (CBMT)" src="https://geogratis.gc.ca/mapml/en/cbmtile/cbmt/" checked="checked"></layer->
Changing to https://geogratis.gc.ca/mapml/client/web-map/mapml-viewer.js and the baseman displays correctly.
February 5, 2025, 5:04pm
Not sure if anyone else here has worked with MapML?
Looking at Release 0.16.0 · Maps4HTML/MapML.js · GitHub I do not see any relevant change. Is there any good way to tell what version of mapml-viewer.js
is included in GeoServer?
Okay checking history we have:
[GEOS-11329] Update MapML viewer to release 0.13.0
Checking release notes 0.13.1 was patching some issues with sub layers and is probably the fix we need.
@prushforth Do you have any plans to update GeoServer to 0.16.0?
February 5, 2025, 5:38pm
Sorry Peter, I see you have already updated:
[GEOS-11666] Update MapML viewer to latest release 0.16.0
I will be patient for the next release.
Thanks for your work on MapML
February 5, 2025, 8:38pm
Thanks for your help Peter,
I setup a backport [Backport 2.26.x][GEOS-11666] Update MapML viewer to latest release 0.16.0 by jodygarnett · Pull Request #8264 · geoserver/geoserver · GitHub to the 2.26.x branch and the LayerPreview MapML works. Using independently shows issue with CBMT issue still occurs with Safari and Firefox.
Perhaps you can join me on that PR and we can troubleshoot