I have encountered an issue relating to the automatic uppercasing of WMTS query parameters in WMTS stores.
I am using Geoserver 2.12.0 in docker on Linux.
The problem is that some WMTS services are case sensitive to the query parameters, the case in point being MapBox WMTS (https://docs.mapbox.com/help/tutorials/mapbox-arcgis-qgis/).
If I go to the following URL with a valid access token I can see a GetCapabilities XML page: https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v11/wmts?access_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. However, if I go to the same page with an uppercase ACCESS_TOKEN query parameter it returns a 401 unauthorised error.
When I enter the valid URL in a Geoserver WMTS store Capabilities URL field and save the store I get an error saying:
Server returned HTTP error code 401 for URL https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v11/wmts?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&ACCESS_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WMTS
Notice that the URL has a few extra query parameters and the access_token parameter is now uppercase.
Is there a reason the existing query parameters in the WMTS GetCapabillities URL are converted to uppercase? Given that it appears that this behaviour is disallowing users to create stores from MapBox WMTS URLs, should this be classified as a bug?
Ben Kleywegt