We have a “geoserver feature frenzy” presentation coming up at foss4g. Last time we asked the user list what features they found the most valuable (and had some surprises like the number of people who found the oracle database support vital).
This year I would like to cast a wider net - please help out by sharing any “wow I did not know geoserver could do that” experiences!
We have a “geoserver feature frenzy” presentation coming up at foss4g. Last time we asked the user list what features they found the most valuable (and had some surprises like the number of people who found the oracle database support vital).
This year I would like to cast a wider net - please help out by sharing any “wow I did not know geoserver could do that” experiences!
We have a “geoserver feature frenzy” presentation coming up at foss4g. Last time we asked the user list what features they found the most valuable (and had some surprises like the number of people who found the oracle database support vital).
This year I would like to cast a wider net - please help out by sharing any “wow I did not know geoserver could do that” experiences!
We have a “geoserver feature frenzy” presentation coming up at foss4g. Last time we asked the user list what features they found the most valuable (and had some surprises like the number of people who found the oracle database support vital).
This year I would like to cast a wider net - please help out by sharing any “wow I did not know geoserver could do that” experiences!
First, a “wow” moment. At UNAVCO, we are experimenting with a new way to compose GNSS site logs. We have a Geoserver connected to our database and we have successfully mapped most of our site log data into the foriegn GeodesyML schema using the App Schema extension for Geoserver. There are still issues (mostly with datatypes) but it works! We are on our way to being able to distribute entire sitelogs via WFS requests in GeodesyML format!
Second, a request: it would be great to have support for 3D CRSs. PostGIS Point can take up to a 3D (actually it can do 4D too) coordinate and Geoserver could do the same. In particular we use EPSG:4978 (cartesian Earth centered Earth fixed XYZ) along with 4326. I’m not sure how this would work with OpenLayers (Cesium can do 3D maps?) but just recognizing 3D Postgis geometries in features would be a great start!
We have a “geoserver feature frenzy” presentation coming up at foss4g. Last time we asked the user list what features they found the most valuable (and had some surprises like the number of people who found the oracle database support vital).
This year I would like to cast a wider net - please help out by sharing any “wow I did not know geoserver could do that” experiences!
Hi all,
I believe that Jody request got misunderstood, he’s not asking about missing features, he’s asking
about your preferred existing features (or the “wow I did not know GeoServer could do that” ones,
which are still existing ones you weren’t aware of… until you found out :-p )
We have a “geoserver feature frenzy” presentation coming up at foss4g. Last time we asked the user list what features they found the most valuable (and had some surprises like the number of people who found the oracle database support vital).
This year I would like to cast a wider net - please help out by sharing any “wow I did not know geoserver could do that” experiences!
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We have a “geoserver feature frenzy” presentation coming up at foss4g. Last time we asked the user list what features they found the most valuable (and had some surprises like the number of people who found the oracle database support vital).
This year I would like to cast a wider net - please help out by sharing any “wow I did not know geoserver could do that” experiences!
We have a “geoserver feature frenzy” presentation coming up at foss4g. Last time we asked the user list what features they found the most valuable (and had some surprises like the number of people who found the oracle database support vital).
This year I would like to cast a wider net - please help out by sharing any “wow I did not know geoserver could do that” experiences!