[Geoserver-users] GeoServer 1.2.0 Released

The GeoServer Project is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer
version 1.2.0. The focus of this release is useability, centered
around a web based administration tool, which allows GeoServer to be
completely configured from any web browser. Oracle and ArcSDE have been
much more extensively tested, complementing the solid PostGIS and
Shapefile support. Other additions include an innovative validation
engine, to ensure that transactions do not inadvertantly jeopordize the
integrity of the backend database, as well as increased speed and an
added GetFeatureInfo operation for the WMS. The release can be
downloaded at:

For more information on the release see the readme available online at:
For a bit of background on GeoServer see the second entry at:

A huge thanks goes out to everyone who contributed to this release,
especially Refractions Research, as their GeoConnections project was
the source of all the major improvements for this release. More details
about their project are available at http://vwfs.refractions.net And of
course none of this would have been possible without the amazing
GeoTools team, the library upon which GeoServer is built, see
http://geotools.codehaus.org for more information. GeoServer is built
on the GeoTools 2.0-rc1 release (available within the week). And
thanks to everyone who downloaded the pre release versions and reported
back their problems and suggestions.

Please forward this message to anyone that might be interested.



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Congrats Chris,

It has been great working with you (and continues to be).
Althought the vwfs.refractions.net site is an interesting source of technical documentation I would also like to direct people to the following links:
- http://www.refractions.net/geoserver/
- http://www.refractions.net/geoserver/support.html


PS. I am going to get that darn yellow calculate bbox query working if it kills me :slight_smile: It is exactly the kind of thing that make geosever easy to configure.

cholmes@anonymised.com wrote:

The GeoServer Project is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer
version 1.2.0. The focus of this release is useability, centered
around a web based administration tool, which allows GeoServer to be
completely configured from any web browser. Oracle and ArcSDE have been
much more extensively tested, complementing the solid PostGIS and
Shapefile support. Other additions include an innovative validation
engine, to ensure that transactions do not inadvertantly jeopordize the
integrity of the backend database, as well as increased speed and an
added GetFeatureInfo operation for the WMS. The release can be
downloaded at:
GeoServer - Browse /GeoServer/1.2.0 at SourceForge.net

For more information on the release see the readme available online at:
For a bit of background on GeoServer see the second entry at:

A huge thanks goes out to everyone who contributed to this release,
especially Refractions Research, as their GeoConnections project was
the source of all the major improvements for this release. More details
about their project are available at http://vwfs.refractions.net And of
course none of this would have been possible without the amazing
GeoTools team, the library upon which GeoServer is built, see
http://geotools.codehaus.org for more information. GeoServer is built
on the GeoTools 2.0-rc1 release (available within the week). And
thanks to everyone who downloaded the pre release versions and reported
back their problems and suggestions.

Please forward this message to anyone that might be interested.



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