Geoserver 1.3.0-RC2 has been released.
You can download it here:
The install guide is here (please note, you no longer require JAI):
The change log is here:
Geoserver Wiki for this release is available from the main Geoserver
wiki page (
Here's a quick summary of changes:
1. JAI should no longer be required - this time I mean it.
If you get an error regarding a security issue (because the jars
are 'sealed') please leave a message on the geoserver-devel
mailing list. This will only occur if you installed JAI.
You can do one of the following:
a) remove from the lib/ directory "jai-core-1.1.3-alpha.jar",
"jai_imageio-1.1-alpha.jar" and
b) uninstall JAI
I've had one report of this problem and I think I solved it. I
have been unable to reproduce the issue.
2. I believe I fixed the error-logging issue for tomcat users. Please
tell me if the problem still occurs.
3. You can now use <Function> elements in your WFS <Filter>
4. KML (google map) output supported (james macgill)
5. Several other bugs fixed in geoserver and geotools
If you look at the roadmap for the next few releases
you should see we are very rapidly approaching whats required for the
1.3.0 release.
The geoserver-devel mailing list has been "bursting at the seams"
recently with good ideas and discussions for whats going to be
happening over the longer term.
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