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I have never had this issue on centOS or Ubuntu. If anyone is going to assist they will probably need to know more details about your installation…which OS , did you install as a web app or not? Etc.
Is performance slow only for GeoServer specifically but tomcat admin page or access to other apps is fast?
On Fri., May 8, 2020, 2:45 a.m. Overkamp, Stefan, <overkamp@anonymised.com9762…> wrote:
Hi list,
testing Geoserver 2.17.0 the web administration app has become very slow.
With the first access to an administration part (e.g. Layers) I have to wait 15 seconds.
The following access is fast as in 2.16.2
Accessing this administration part from a different PC is fast too.
So maybe there is some sort of caching.
Is there any way to pre cache the web gui?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag
Stefan Overkamp
Team Geodaten-Technik Referat Geoinformation und Raumbeobachtung
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We tend to not worry too much about the web admin performance … since the point of geoserver is the web services accessed by desktop/mobile/web clients.
As such I do not believe there is any caching in your way. With that in mind any slowdown may be:
all the components loading (if it is only slow when first time)
a session being setup (if it is slow when logging in a second time on an additional machine).
I did notice it be a bit slower when we introduced some url randomization to address a security concern (where a URL can be predicted). My guess is that is a tradeoff between security, and performance. And as and since we only expect one or two admins in there at any one time security is the right call. See this kind of thing in the user manual.