[Geoserver-users] [Geoserver-devel] Geoserver print module issue with WMS layers

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On 6 December 2017 at 15:12, jcb81 <jcbastin@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I searched for many hours for my issue, I hope I’ll get some answers here.

The context : I installed Geoserver (2.11.1) and configured some layers
coming from stores “Oracle NG” and “WMS”. I also installed the print module
“Mapfish” to be able to send print request from a web application to
generate map reports.

After many searches, I can now configure well the “config.yaml” file to
configure the print layouts, and I understand how works the GET and POST
http print requests and parameters.

Here is my issue : the print request work well with layers coming from
“Oracle NG” store, but not the ones from the “WMS” store. When I download
the generated PDF, I get my report with a blank map and an exception message
in a little yellow box near the map area : “java.io.IOException: The byte
array is not a recognized imageformat.”


Here is a working request :

Here is a NOT working request :

Only the layer asked changes in the parameters.

The only thing I found for now is about authentification issue on WMS
layers, but my WMS layers don’t have any authentification, they can be
reached as it.

Is anyone here already had this issue ? Or have an explanation on what I’m
doing wrong ?
Any help will be really appreciated !

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Ian Turton