[Geoserver-users] [Geoserver-devel] gwcFacade Bean Exception while debugging GeoServer

So how did you get and set up the source code for eclipse?
If may be that you have an outdated version of some gwc jar in your
local maven repo?
try mvn -U clean install eclipse:eclipse and then refresh all the
projects in eclipse.


On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Patrick D <true.early@anonymised.com> wrote:

I'm using GeoServer 2.1.snapshot and attempting to debug GeoServer via
Eclipse. As GeoServer is starting up, the following error gets thrown:

BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'gwcFacade'
defined in URL [file:/C:/Geoserver/src/gwc/target/classes/geowebcache-geoserver-context.xml]:
Cannot resolve reference to bean 'gwcTLDispatcher' while setting
constructor argument;

The gwcTLDispatcher bean is referenced in geowebcache-core-context.xml
file, and points to the class
org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayerDispatcher. This isn't a file located
in the gwc project.

I've seen another post on this mailing list - someone experienced a
similar problem but was solved by either increasing the JVM mem size,
or by switching from the JDK7 to JDK6. I've adjust the VM sizes, and
I'm using JDK6 right now and still see the error. Any ideas on what's
causing this exception and how to resolve? I'm using Win7 64bit,
running 32bit Eclipse and 32bit JDK6.


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.

I set up the source code for Eclipse by running mvn eclipse:eclipse to
generate the project files. Turns out my problem was along the lines
of what you suggested - Geoserver was referencing an outdated version
of an apache xerces jar file. I removed the outdated jar file from my
classpath for this reference and that error now clears.


On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Gabriel Roldan <groldan@anonymised.com> wrote:

So how did you get and set up the source code for eclipse?
If may be that you have an outdated version of some gwc jar in your
local maven repo?
try mvn -U clean install eclipse:eclipse and then refresh all the
projects in eclipse.


On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Patrick D <true.early@anonymised.com> wrote:

I'm using GeoServer 2.1.snapshot and attempting to debug GeoServer via
Eclipse. As GeoServer is starting up, the following error gets thrown:

BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'gwcFacade'
defined in URL [file:/C:/Geoserver/src/gwc/target/classes/geowebcache-geoserver-context.xml]:
Cannot resolve reference to bean 'gwcTLDispatcher' while setting
constructor argument;

The gwcTLDispatcher bean is referenced in geowebcache-core-context.xml
file, and points to the class
org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayerDispatcher. This isn't a file located
in the gwc project.

I've seen another post on this mailing list - someone experienced a
similar problem but was solved by either increasing the JVM mem size,
or by switching from the JDK7 to JDK6. I've adjust the VM sizes, and
I'm using JDK6 right now and still see the error. Any ideas on what's
causing this exception and how to resolve? I'm using Win7 64bit,
running 32bit Eclipse and 32bit JDK6.


Write once. Port to many.
Get the SDK and tools to simplify cross-platform app development. Create
new or port existing apps to sell to consumers worldwide. Explore the
Intel AppUpSM program developer opportunity. appdeveloper.intel.com/join
Geoserver-devel mailing list

Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.