Please post questions like this to one user list that is relevant to it. The devel lists are for developers of the software to discuss bugs and new features not for user requests.
The short answer is to follow the advice in GeoServer in Production: we do it, here is how! about how to prepare imagery. Jpeg and JPW is a slow format compared to GeoTiff.
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On 16 April 2018 at 04:54, sumant singh <> wrote:
Hi All,
I am publishing 100 Gb of aerial image til on GeoServer using pyramid technique. I have made GeoServer in a production environment according to GeoServer manual “Running in a production environment”. I have prepared data using gdal_retile: -s_srs EPSG:27700 -v -r bilinear -levels 4 -ps 500 500 -co ‘TILED=YES’ -co ‘COMPRESS=JPEG’ -targetDir OUTPUT *.jpg
Input jpg image details:
Driver: JPEG/JPEG JFIF Files: SS0096.jpg SS0096.jgw Size is 4000, 4000 Coordinate System is `’ Origin = (200000.000000000000000,197000.000000000000000) Pixel Size = (0.250000000000000,-0.250000000000000) Metadata:
EXIF_BitsPerSample=8 8 8 EXIF_ColorSpace=65535 EXIF_Compression=1 EXIF_DateTime=2016:09:08 07:20:28 EXIF_Orientation=1
EXIF_PhotometricInterpretation=2 EXIF_PixelXDimension=4000
EXIF_PixelYDimension=4000 EXIF_PlanarConfiguration=1
EXIF_ResolutionUnit=2 EXIF_SamplesPerPixel=3 EXIF_Software=Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows EXIF_XResolution=(72) EXIF_YResolution=(72) Image Structure Metadata: COMPRESSION=JPEG INTERLEAVE=PIXEL
SOURCE_COLOR_SPACE=YCbCr Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 200000.000, 197000.000) Lower Left ( 200000.000, 196000.000) Upper Right ( 201000.000, 197000.000) Lower Right ( 201000.000, 196000.000) Center ( 200500.000, 196500.000) Band 1 Block=4000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red Overviews: 2000x2000, 1000x1000, 500x500, 160x160 Image Structure Metadata: COMPRESSION=JPEG Band 2 Block=4000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green Overviews: 2000x2000, 1000x1000, 500x500, 160x160 Image Structure Metadata: COMPRESSION=JPEG Band 3 Block=4000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue Overviews: 2000x2000, 1000x1000, 500x500, 160x160 Image Structure Metadata: COMPRESSION=JPEGWindows Server configuration is
Intel Xeon E5, 2.20GHz (2 processor) and 32gb RAM
. But when I am accessing this layer using WMTS service, it is taking a lot of time(around 30-40 minutes)
to load completely in Qgis and ArcGIS at resolution 1: 2000000.Can anyone suggest me how to reduce rendering time?
Thanks and Regards
Sumant Singh
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