[Geoserver-users] help


I’m using the latest Version of GeoServer (2.23.0). I want to test some REST modules of mine on GeoServer. I built the executable file of GeoServer from source using eclipse and maven. Now I realized that new versions of GeoServer are different from GeoServer Developers Documentations. For example, to implement a RESTful service in Geoserver we need a class named org.geoserver.rest.AbstractResource which I couldn’t find such class in the newer releases of GeoServer. Is there any special documentation that I could use for implementing RESTful services in GeoServer?

Some time ago we moved to using Spring controllers for our REST API; so any documentation on how to do REST in spring should be of assistance.

It is also helpful to look at some of the other controllers as an example.

The controller for Resource is relative simple: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/blob/main/src/restconfig/src/main/java/org/geoserver/rest/resources/ResourceController.java

Methods that do things are marked with @anonymised.com annotations.


Jody Garnett