Hello all,
I have been trying to create an Imagemosaic GeoTiff data store, using a Postgres database.
The typical filename pattern for the GeoTiffs is:
s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_{yyyyMMdd}T{HHmmss}_{orbitnumber}.tiff, for example:
I have declared the following regular expression in ‘timeregex.properties’:
I can successfully create the store, and files seems to be properly ingested into the database, but when looking in the database table, the entries seem to give the correct date, but the wrong time, at least for the hour field:
| location | ingestion |
| s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_20230213T120806_27653.tiff | 2023-02-13 13:08:06 |
| s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_20220604T021341_27650.tiff | 2022-06-04 04:13:41 |
| s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_20220604T210415_27650.tiff | 2022-06-04 23:04:15 |
Some relevant lines from the GeoServer logs:
SELECT count(*) FROM "public"."s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_test" WHERE ("location" = ? AND "location" IS NOT NULL )
2023-03-02 16:22:56,601 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - 1 = s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_20220604T021341_27650.tiff
2023-03-02 16:22:56,601 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - SELECT "fid",ST_AsEWKB("the_geom") as "the_geom","location","ingestion" FROM "public"."s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_test" LIMIT 1
2023-03-02 16:22:56,602 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Force2D(ST_Envelope(ST_Extent("the_geom"::geometry)))) FROM "public"."s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_test"
2023-03-02 16:22:56,604 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - SELECT "fid",ST_AsEWKB("the_geom") as "the_geom","location","ingestion" FROM "public"."s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_test" WHERE 0 = 1
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - Setting the_geom to POLYGON ((-20026376.39 -20048673.9, -20026376.39 20048966.1, 20026863.61 20048966.1, 20026863.61 -20048673.9, -20026376.39 -20048673.9))
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - Setting 0 to POLYGON ((-20026376.39 -20048673.9, -20026376.39 20048966.1, 20026863.61 20048966.1, 20026863.61 -20048673.9, -20026376.39 -20048673.9))
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - Setting location to s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_20220604T021341_27650.tiff
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - Setting 1 to s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_20220604T021341_27650.tiff
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - Setting ingestion to 2022-06-04 04:13:41.0
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - Setting 2 to 2022-06-04 04:13:41.0
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - Inserting new features with ps: INSERT INTO "public"."s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_test" ( "the_geom","location","ingestion" ) VALUES ( ST_GeomFromWKB(?, 3857),?,?)
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - 1 = POLYGON ((-20026376.39 -20048673.9, -20026376.39 20048966.1, 20026863.61 20048966.1, 20026863.61 -20048673.9, -20026376.39 -20048673.9))
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - 2 = s5p_tropomi_so2vcd_epsg3857_20220604T021341_27650.tiff
2023-03-02 16:22:56,605 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - 3 = 2022-06-04 04:13:41.0
For what it’s worth: the *.properties files are in the same folder as my data files.
I am using GeoServer 2.20.2.
Any suggestions?