[Geoserver-users] Revert auth changes via CLI


After experimenting with JDBC and LDAP authentication, user/group
services, and role services, I can no longer get admin access to the
web admin interface (presumably by failing to set the correct ADMIN
role, or something similar).

Is there a moderately easy way to reconfigure Geoserver via its config
files to disable/reconfigure each/any of these which I've configured
in the web admin interface:

- JDBC authentication
- JDBC user/group service
- JDBC role service

I've delving in /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/geoserver/data/security, but
I haven't quite found what I need yet.

Many thanks


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If your aim is only to have the admin login working again, I would do a backup of the data_dir, start a brand new installation and copy back the data_dir again except for the security folder.


Le mar. 10 mai 2022 à 17:58, Tom Chadwin <tomchadwin@anonymised.com> a écrit :


After experimenting with JDBC and LDAP authentication, user/group
services, and role services, I can no longer get admin access to the
web admin interface (presumably by failing to set the correct ADMIN
role, or something similar).

Is there a moderately easy way to reconfigure Geoserver via its config
files to disable/reconfigure each/any of these which I’ve configured
in the web admin interface:

  • JDBC authentication
  • JDBC user/group service
  • JDBC role service

I’ve delving in /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/geoserver/data/security, but
I haven’t quite found what I need yet.

Many thanks


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Astun Technology Ltd, t:+44 1372 744 009 contact us
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iShare - enterprise geographic
intelligence platform

PostGIS and QGIS training <https://www.astuntechnology.com/training/>
Support <https://www.astuntechnology.com/support/>

Company registration
no. 5410695. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 120 Manor
Green Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LN VAT no. 864201149.

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If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Successfully-requesting-and-integrating-new-features-and-improvements-in-GeoServer


In the future you are advised to setup and enable logging in as the “root” user. This should be step 1 whenever working on security :slight_smile:


You may be able to edit the data directory by hand to enable logging in as root.


Jody Garnett