[Geoserver-users] Seed tiles number unusually problem

Hello folks,

I create a shpfile Datastore then publish it.
I seed the pbf tiles using GWC,but tiles number is less than normal ,which meaning lacking amount of the tiles.
I have installed vectortiles plugin and gwc-sqlite plugin.
But however I use “File BlobStore” or “MBTiles BlobStore” It generated the same wrong count of tiles.
The geoserver log did not indicate any useful infomation which did not include ERROR log information.
I have set all log Level.They are the same result.
My configuraion of “Metatiling factors” is 4X4.
When I changed this configuration to 1X1,It can generate the normal and right tiles.
I have test this case in 2.22.0 and 2.23.0 ,the problem cause the same.

Any clues appreciate.

Best regurds.


Hi there

In my installation (2.23.1, or 2.23 snapshot of today) the seed/truncate form doesn’t appear (https://host/geoserver/gwc/rest/seed/wsname:lyrname).
The wmts works perfectly.

Azure App Service
Java: 11 or 17 (same result)
Tomcat:: 8.5 or 9 (both same result)
Extensions: inspire, sqlserver, appscheme
Community modules: ogc api, azure blobstore

Has anyone any clue?




Actually, also a simple /gwc/rest request times out, so the rest api is not working.

This also happens with a nightly built installation, with the demo data, and no extensions installed.

We are running 2.18.0 without problems but we want to upgrade.

Even version 2.19.2 has the same “not working” behavior.

What could be wrong in my installation or configuration.




Van: Verbeeck Bart (AIV) <bart.verbeeck@…10251…>
Verzonden: Thursday, August 24, 2023 11:07 AM
Aan: Geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Onderwerp: [Geoserver-users] GWC seed/truncate form times out

Hi there

In my installation (2.23.1, or 2.23 snapshot of today) the seed/truncate form doesn’t appear (https://host/geoserver/gwc/rest/seed/wsname:lyrname).

The wmts works perfectly.


Azure App Service

Java: 11 or 17 (same result)

Tomcat:: 8.5 or 9 (both same result)

Extensions: inspire, sqlserver, appscheme

Community modules: ogc api, azure blobstore

Has anyone any clue?




Actually, also a simple /gwc/rest request times out, so the rest api is not working.

This also happens with a nightly built installation, with the demo data, and no extensions installed.

We are running 2.18.0 without problems but we want to upgrade.

Even version 2.19.2 has the same “not working” behavior.

What could be wrong in my installation or configuration.

From that description it is impossible to tell what is going on, You’ll need to check the log file to see what’s happening on the server, but it could be a simple as a firewall issue or other network problems. 2.19 is pretty old so maybe you could go to a “supported” release like 2.23?


Ian Turton