[Geoserver-users] Simple WMS query driving me mad!

You might want to try using the HSQL version of the epsg database as it
has signficantly more ellipse-transform parameters in it.

Unfortunately, i also think it has the lat/long "backwards"(*) so you
may find west at the top of your map (instead of north). Ask martin on
the geotools list as he's the EPSG guru.

(*) "backwards" means 'correct according to spec, but backward to what
every single other application and dataset expects'.

CRS#transform(CRS,CRS,boolean) didnt exist when reprojection was added.
You'll probably have to change the streaming renderer and the
RenderingUtilities (for calculating scale) code to do the same thing.

I dont think it will bother anyone if their data is out 75m (as opposed
to getting a blank image). You might want to put a message in the log
that says something like "Bursa Wolf ellipsoid transformation parameters
not present -- no ellipsoid SRS transformation done. Results maybe
inaccurate." when a
transform that would normally require Bursa Wolf parameters (ie. the
ellipsoids are different) but none were present. It maybe difficult to
determine this so dont worry too much about it. Only report the
message once (ie. when the bbox is being transformed for the datastore

I also suggest you chat with the udig folks (jessie probably) as they've
been (I believe) using the HSQL EPSG database. I remember seeing maps
rotated 90 degrees but they may have fixed this.


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