Dear All ..
My in one table of my datasource (storage=PostGis, type=POINT), I have column called "bearing" with type "double precission".
I want to display the points wil simple WellKnownName "Arrow", but I want to rotate it dynamicaly based on the value of "bearing" column.
I Tried this in SLD:
<CssParameter name="rotation"><ogc:PropertyName>bearing</ogc:PropertyName></CssParameter>
Note : complete sld attached
The Geoserver SLD validator said it's not-valid with msg :
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'CssParameter'. One of '{"":expression\}' is expected.
----END ERROR---
How is the valid methode to do dynamic symbol rotation based on point attribute ?
ttrack.xml (3.46 KB)
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 6:57 AM, Bino Oetomo <> wrote:
Dear All ..
My in one table of my datasource (storage=PostGis, type=POINT), I have
column called "bearing" with type "double precission".
I want to display the points wil simple WellKnownName "Arrow", but I want to
rotate it dynamicaly based on the value of "bearing" column.
I Tried this in SLD:
Rotation takes an expression not a CssParameter so
should work fine
for more details.
Ian Turton
Hi Ian ..
Ian Turton wrote:
Rotation takes an expression not a CssParameter so
should work fine
for more details.
Thankyou for your enlightment.
It work like a champ