[Geoserver-users] Split label style in GeoServer CSS or SLD


I would like to split the style of my labels, which consist of 2 attributes. I already managed to separate the lines, but I need to style them differently as well, as the second line should be bold. Unfortunately I’m running out of ideas, how it could work.

Currently my label looks like this:



And I would like it to look like this:

IDENT (small)


I would prefer to do it in CSS, but I also prepared the style in SLD, so I would be happy for a solution in either of them.

My code looks like this in CSS:

  • {


-gt-label-auto-wrap: 1;

font-weight: normal;

font-fill: black;


and like this in SLD:






Thanks for any help!


Hi Michaela

I am not aware of any way of applying different text styles to different parts of a single text symbolizer.

One thing you could try is split the labels into two separate text symbolizers, and apply an offset equal to the font height to the second one.
So something like this:









I’m not too familiar with geocss, so I’m not quite sure how this would translate, but perhaps something like this:

  • {

label: [IDENT];

font-weight: normal;

font-fill: black;


  • {

label: [LOWERLIMIT];

font-weight: bold;

font-fill: black;

label-offset: 0 14;




On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 7:03 AM, Egger Michaela <Michaela.Egger@anonymised.com.6862…> wrote:


I would like to split the style of my labels, which consist of 2 attributes. I already managed to separate the lines, but I need to style them differently as well, as the second line should be bold. Unfortunately I’m running out of ideas, how it could work.

Currently my label looks like this:



And I would like it to look like this:

IDENT (small)


I would prefer to do it in CSS, but I also prepared the style in SLD, so I would be happy for a solution in either of them.

My code looks like this in CSS:

  • {


-gt-label-auto-wrap: 1;

font-weight: normal;

font-fill: black;


and like this in SLD:






Thanks for any help!


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On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Torben Barsballe <
tbarsballe@anonymised.com> wrote:

I'm not too familiar with geocss, so I'm not quite sure how this would
translate, but perhaps something like this:

Thanks for following up Torben. I've updated your example to avoid the
second rule overriding the first:

* {

    label: [IDENT], [LOWERLIMIT];

    font-weight: normal, bold

    font-fill: black;

       label-offset: 0 0, 0 14;


One thing that was not said here or on stackoverflow, is that the two
symbolizers are independent,
so depending on conflict resolution, you might get one label, the other, or
both, but there is
no way to make them be either both visible, or both invisible (that would
be a new feature for
the labeling engine, it's independent of the styling language chosen).




Andrea Aime

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