I just sent a message to the GDAL list about loading TIGER data (see
1) Just curious, do you think it is possible to load the entire US
TIGER and work with it in Geoserver?
Yes - I was just going to load it into PostGIS. You could also use
indexed shapefile if you wanted to.
2) Also, are you using Windows, or Linux?
Both - I'm doing all the experimental pre-load work on my laptop
(Windows), but the end machine will be a Linux rackmount.
3) Does Geoserver have a pretty complete WMS vector styling system -
how does it stack up to Mapserver? ( like road name placement for
Geoserver has a full SLD rendering system, and I think it can do almost
everything Mapserver can do. I've attached an old picture from my
initial TIGER tests.
Currently, mapserver handles raster (ie. arial photographs) better.
Road name label placements on geoserver are actually quite good; it
doesnt put a label down for each road segment. I'm planning on
improving the labeling system; I update it every few weeks when I get
time. Its improved since the attached picture.
Geoserver is a fully compliant WFS-T (read, write, lock) WFS. We're the
OGC reference implementation. Its also a fully compliant WMS/SLD
Geoserver is built on top of Geotools, the same Java-based GIS toolkit
that udig uses.
I do not have a list of example sites, which is why I'm putting together
a sample site (with TIGER, VMAP0, and a bunch of GNIS information for
searching/geocoding). Our server's supposed to arrive next week, so I
hope to do the data loads early the following week and hopefully get
something up by the end of that week.
I'm just in the process of loading TIGER data, and I've written some
documentation on how to do it.
The document is long and a bit raw (I'm waiting for our new machine to
arrive before I test on an area larger than NY); most of it is QA/QC
checks. There's a bug in the OGR polygon building functions -- there's
a long document explaining how to rebuild the polygons using
postgis/GEOS commands.
A much more detailed summary is here:
Remember, this is a bit raw; I'll update it at the end of this week,
when our machine arrives.
I process the data into "raw" (what ogr2ogr spits out) data tables,
and I also build several tables of processed data.
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