[Geoserver-users] Two new PSC members

After much discussion, the Project Steering Committee of GeoServer would like to welcome two new members.

Ben Caradoc-Davies joins us from CSIRO, where he's leading the technical team that is bringing app-schema support to GeoServer. He's on the PSC of GeoTools, where much of the work has taken place, and it's been great to see him grow to become a core member of the community.

Mark Leslie joins us as the second PSC member from Lisasoft. He has background with other open source geospatial projects like PostGIS, and has been helping out with stable GeoServer releases.

The Project Steering Committee is responsible for all major decisions about the GeoServer project, from major technical decisions to governance and project policies. The PSC is open to anyone who contributes extensively to the project, as we believe that the success of GeoServer is based on a wide community of different interests working together to make the software flexible enough to solve all our problems. Contributions are by no means limited to code, but as the PSC is responsible for technical decisions we prefer people who are technically adept, even if they are not coding on GeoServer. If you are interested in becoming a PSC member don't hesitate to get in touch and we can give advice on the type of things you can do that will bring recognition and a PSC slot.

The two new members bring our PSC to 8

Andrea Aime (OpenGeo, Italy)
Alessio Fabiani (GeoSolutions, Italy)
Ben Caradoc-Davies (CSIRO, Australia)
Chris Holmes (OpenGeo, USA)
Jody Garnet (Lisasoft, Australia)
Mark Leslie (Lisasoft, Australia)
Rob Atkinson (CSIRO, Australia)
Simone Giannecchini (GeoSolutions, Italy)

I personally have been really impressed by the community growth the past year, and believe there are a number of great potential PSC candidates who will likely be added before long.

And a special thanks to Justin Deoliveira for all his dedication to the PSC and moving the GeoServer project forward. He's still involved, but he decided to step down from the PSC. He hope he'll rejoin at some point.

best regards,


Chris Holmes
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.

Congratulations to both Ben and Mark.


On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 12:26 AM, Chris Holmes <cholmes@anonymised.com> wrote:

After much discussion, the Project Steering Committee of GeoServer would
like to welcome two new members.

Ben Caradoc-Davies joins us from CSIRO, where he's leading the technical
team that is bringing app-schema support to GeoServer. He's on the PSC
of GeoTools, where much of the work has taken place, and it's been great
to see him grow to become a core member of the community.

Mark Leslie joins us as the second PSC member from Lisasoft. He has
background with other open source geospatial projects like PostGIS, and
has been helping out with stable GeoServer releases.

The Project Steering Committee is responsible for all major decisions
about the GeoServer project, from major technical decisions to
governance and project policies. The PSC is open to anyone who
contributes extensively to the project, as we believe that the success
of GeoServer is based on a wide community of different interests working
together to make the software flexible enough to solve all our problems.
Contributions are by no means limited to code, but as the PSC is
responsible for technical decisions we prefer people who are technically
adept, even if they are not coding on GeoServer. If you are interested
in becoming a PSC member don't hesitate to get in touch and we can give
advice on the type of things you can do that will bring recognition and
a PSC slot.

The two new members bring our PSC to 8

Andrea Aime (OpenGeo, Italy)
Alessio Fabiani (GeoSolutions, Italy)
Ben Caradoc-Davies (CSIRO, Australia)
Chris Holmes (OpenGeo, USA)
Jody Garnet (Lisasoft, Australia)
Mark Leslie (Lisasoft, Australia)
Rob Atkinson (CSIRO, Australia)
Simone Giannecchini (GeoSolutions, Italy)

I personally have been really impressed by the community growth the past
year, and believe there are a number of great potential PSC candidates
who will likely be added before long.

And a special thanks to Justin Deoliveira for all his dedication to the
PSC and moving the GeoServer project forward. He's still involved, but
he decided to step down from the PSC. He hope he'll rejoin at some point.

best regards,


Chris Holmes
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.

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Welcome Ben and Mark :slight_smile:

Eng. Alessio Fabiani
Founder / CTO GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Carignoni 51
55041 Camaiore (LU)

phone: +39 0584 983027
fax: +39 0584 983027
mob: +39 349 8227000


On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com> wrote:

Congratulations to both Ben and Mark.


On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 12:26 AM, Chris Holmes <cholmes@anonymised.com> wrote:

After much discussion, the Project Steering Committee of GeoServer would
like to welcome two new members.

Ben Caradoc-Davies joins us from CSIRO, where he’s leading the technical
team that is bringing app-schema support to GeoServer. He’s on the PSC
of GeoTools, where much of the work has taken place, and it’s been great
to see him grow to become a core member of the community.

Mark Leslie joins us as the second PSC member from Lisasoft. He has
background with other open source geospatial projects like PostGIS, and
has been helping out with stable GeoServer releases.

The Project Steering Committee is responsible for all major decisions
about the GeoServer project, from major technical decisions to
governance and project policies. The PSC is open to anyone who
contributes extensively to the project, as we believe that the success
of GeoServer is based on a wide community of different interests working
together to make the software flexible enough to solve all our problems.
Contributions are by no means limited to code, but as the PSC is
responsible for technical decisions we prefer people who are technically
adept, even if they are not coding on GeoServer. If you are interested
in becoming a PSC member don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can give
advice on the type of things you can do that will bring recognition and
a PSC slot.

The two new members bring our PSC to 8

Andrea Aime (OpenGeo, Italy)
Alessio Fabiani (GeoSolutions, Italy)
Ben Caradoc-Davies (CSIRO, Australia)
Chris Holmes (OpenGeo, USA)
Jody Garnet (Lisasoft, Australia)
Mark Leslie (Lisasoft, Australia)
Rob Atkinson (CSIRO, Australia)
Simone Giannecchini (GeoSolutions, Italy)

I personally have been really impressed by the community growth the past
year, and believe there are a number of great potential PSC candidates
who will likely be added before long.

And a special thanks to Justin Deoliveira for all his dedication to the
PSC and moving the GeoServer project forward. He’s still involved, but
he decided to step down from the PSC. He hope he’ll rejoin at some point.

best regards,


Chris Holmes
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.

The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in the business
Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term contracts
Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone call away.

Geoserver-devel mailing list

The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in the business
Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term contracts
Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone call away.

Geoserver-devel mailing list

Hi everyone,
i could not find the way to specify the SRS of a datasource when deploying it to Geoserver using the Rest Api.
The datasource i am creating is a shapefile (EPSG:4326). The datasource is successfully created but i fail retriving the WMS Capabilities if i dont set the SRS manually in Geoserver.

thanks in advance and best regards.

Laura Díaz Sánchez
Institute of New Imaging Technologies: http://www.init.uji.es
Geographic Information research group: http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, Spain

Hi everyone,
i could not find the way to specify the SRS of a datasource when deploying it to Geoserver using the Rest Api.
The datasource i am creating is a shapefile (EPSG:4326). The datasource is successfully created but i fail retriving the WMS Capabilities if i dont set the SRS manually in Geoserver.

thanks in advance and best regards.

Laura Díaz Sánchez
Institute of New Imaging Technologies: http://www.init.uji.es
Geographic Information research group: http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, Spain

Hi Laura,

Something like this should work:

PUT /geoserver/rest/worksapces/.../datastores/.../featuretypes/yourFeatureType


However what request are you using to create the orginal shapefile. Does the shapefile have a .prj file, and if so what does the WKT look like? Thanks.


On 1/28/10 10:41 AM, Laura Díaz wrote:

Hi everyone,
i could not find the way to specify the SRS of a datasource when
deploying it to Geoserver using the Rest Api.
The datasource i am creating is a shapefile (EPSG:4326). The datasource
is successfully created but i fail retriving the WMS Capabilities if i
dont set the SRS manually in Geoserver.

thanks in advance and best regards.

Justin Deoliveira
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Enterprise support for open source geospatial.

Hi Justin,
thanks, i will try to set it in the featuretype as you mentioned.
The shp does have the .prj, the content is:


Justin Deoliveira escribió:

Hi Laura,

Something like this should work:

PUT /geoserver/rest/worksapces/.../datastores/.../featuretypes/yourFeatureType


However what request are you using to create the orginal shapefile. Does the shapefile have a .prj file, and if so what does the WKT look like? Thanks.


On 1/28/10 10:41 AM, Laura Díaz wrote:

Hi everyone,
i could not find the way to specify the SRS of a datasource when
deploying it to Geoserver using the Rest Api.
The datasource i am creating is a shapefile (EPSG:4326). The datasource
is successfully created but i fail retriving the WMS Capabilities if i
dont set the SRS manually in Geoserver.

thanks in advance and best regards.

Laura Díaz Sánchez
Institute of New Imaging Technologies: http://www.init.uji.es
Geographic Information research group: http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, Spain

Hi Justin

I have a similar problem and didn’t work for me the solution you comment. After upload a shapefile with a PRJ:


in the GeoServer Administration page for layer list the column Native SRS shows correctly EPSG:4326 but editing the layer shows:

Native SRS: UNKNOWN, and a link GCS_WGS_1984…
Declared SRS: EPSG:4326

Seem at least an inconsistency in GUI with the layer list and the layer detail.

The declared SRS seems detected correctly but not Native SRS. I’ve seen that the projection in GeoServer is defined as:

GEOGCS[**"WGS 84"**, 
  DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984", 
    SPHEROID["WGS 84", 6378137.0, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], 

  PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], 
  UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295], 
  AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST], 

  AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH], 

but in the prj files is referred as “GCS_WGS_1984”, can be this the cause?

Jose García

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Laura Díaz <diazl@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi Justin,
thanks, i will try to set it in the featuretype as you mentioned.
The shp does have the .prj, the content is:


Justin Deoliveira escribió:

Hi Laura,

Something like this should work:



However what request are you using to create the orginal shapefile. Does
the shapefile have a .prj file, and if so what does the WKT look like?


On 1/28/10 10:41 AM, Laura Díaz wrote:

Hi everyone,
i could not find the way to specify the SRS of a datasource when
deploying it to Geoserver using the Rest Api.
The datasource i am creating is a shapefile (EPSG:4326). The datasource
is successfully created but i fail retriving the WMS Capabilities if i
dont set the SRS manually in Geoserver.

thanks in advance and best regards.

Laura Díaz Sánchez
Institute of New Imaging Technologies: http://www.init.uji.es
Geographic Information research group: http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, Spain

The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in the business
Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term contracts
Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone call away.

Geoserver-users mailing list

Hi there,
thanks for your help, i managed to deploy successfully shapefiles to Geoserver with tthe Rest API. And even the native SRS stills appears like UNKOWN the calculated is correct and i can retrieve the layer from different WMS/WFS clients.

I am doing the same now with GML datasources, but i must be doing something wrong. I do basically the same, just changing the
/rest/workspaces/" + workspace + "/datastores/" +datasource + "/file.shp";
/rest/workspaces/" + workspace + "/datastores/" +datasource + "/file.gml";
and the
y tried also

The error i get is http 400 which is BAD request. If I try changing this
/rest/workspaces/" + workspace + "/datastores/" +datasource + "/mydatasourcename.gml";

i get File NotFound exception.

Can anybody tell me what i am doing wrong? thanks....!


jose garcia escribió:

Hi Justin

I have a similar problem and didn't work for me the solution you comment. After upload a shapefile with a PRJ:


in the GeoServer Administration page for layer list the column Native SRS shows correctly EPSG:4326 but editing the layer shows:

Native SRS: UNKNOWN, and a link GCS_WGS_1984...
Declared SRS: EPSG:4326

Seem at least an inconsistency in GUI with the layer list and the layer detail.

The declared SRS seems detected correctly but not Native SRS. I've seen that the projection in GeoServer is defined as:

GEOGCS[*"WGS 84"*, DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84", 6378137.0, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],

    AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295], AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST],

  AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]

but in the prj files is referred as "*GCS_WGS_1984*", can be this the cause?

Jose García

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Laura Díaz <diazl@anonymised.com <mailto:diazl@anonymised.com>> wrote:

    Hi Justin,
    thanks, i will try to set it in the featuretype as you mentioned.
    The shp does have the .prj, the content is:


    Justin Deoliveira escribió:
    > Hi Laura,
    > Something like this should work:
    > PUT
    > <featureType>
    > <srs>epsg:4326</srs>
    > </featureType>
    > However what request are you using to create the orginal
    shapefile. Does
    > the shapefile have a .prj file, and if so what does the WKT look
    > Thanks.
    > -Justin
    > On 1/28/10 10:41 AM, Laura Díaz wrote:
    >> Hi everyone,
    >> i could not find the way to specify the SRS of a datasource when
    >> deploying it to Geoserver using the Rest Api.
    >> The datasource i am creating is a shapefile (EPSG:4326). The
    >> is successfully created but i fail retriving the WMS
    Capabilities if i
    >> dont set the SRS manually in Geoserver.
    >> thanks in advance and best regards.
    >> Laura

    Laura Díaz Sánchez
    Institute of New Imaging Technologies: http://www.init.uji.es
    Geographic Information research group: http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
    Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, Spain

    The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
    Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in
    the business
    Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term
    Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone
    call away.
    Geoserver-users mailing list

Laura Díaz Sánchez
Institute of New Imaging Technologies: http://www.init.uji.es
Geographic Information research group: http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, Spain

Hi Laura,

Unfortunately GML file sources are not really supported. The GML data store in geotools has been without a maintainer for quite some time so unless someone shows up to start maintaining one I am afraid this won't really work.


On 2/9/10 6:21 AM, Laura Díaz wrote:

Hi there,
thanks for your help, i managed to deploy successfully shapefiles to
Geoserver with tthe Rest API. And even the native SRS stills appears
like UNKOWN the calculated is correct and i can retrieve the layer from
different WMS/WFS clients.

I am doing the same now with GML datasources, but i must be doing
something wrong. I do basically the same, just changing the
/rest/workspaces/" + workspace + "/datastores/" +datasource + "/file.shp";
/rest/workspaces/" + workspace + "/datastores/" +datasource + "/file.gml";
and the
y tried also

The error i get is http 400 which is BAD request. If I try changing this
/rest/workspaces/" + workspace + "/datastores/" +datasource +

  i get File NotFound exception.

Can anybody tell me what i am doing wrong? thanks....!


jose garcia escribió:

Hi Justin

I have a similar problem and didn't work for me the solution you
comment. After upload a shapefile with a PRJ:


in the GeoServer Administration page for layer list the column Native
SRS shows correctly EPSG:4326 but editing the layer shows:

Native SRS: UNKNOWN, and a link GCS_WGS_1984...
Declared SRS: EPSG:4326

Seem at least an inconsistency in GUI with the layer list and the
layer detail.

The declared SRS seems detected correctly but not Native SRS. I've
seen that the projection in GeoServer is defined as:

GEOGCS[*"WGS 84"*,
   DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
     SPHEROID["WGS 84", 6378137.0, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],

   PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
   UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295],
   AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST],

   AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH],

but in the prj files is referred as "*GCS_WGS_1984*", can be this the

Jose García

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Laura Díaz<diazl@anonymised.com
<mailto:diazl@anonymised.com>> wrote:

     Hi Justin,
     thanks, i will try to set it in the featuretype as you mentioned.
     The shp does have the .prj, the content is:


     Justin Deoliveira escribió:
     > Hi Laura,
     > Something like this should work:
     > PUT
     > <featureType>
     > <srs>epsg:4326</srs>
     > </featureType>
     > However what request are you using to create the orginal
     shapefile. Does
     > the shapefile have a .prj file, and if so what does the WKT look
     > Thanks.
     > -Justin
     > On 1/28/10 10:41 AM, Laura Díaz wrote:
     >> Hi everyone,
     >> i could not find the way to specify the SRS of a datasource when
     >> deploying it to Geoserver using the Rest Api.
     >> The datasource i am creating is a shapefile (EPSG:4326). The
     >> is successfully created but i fail retriving the WMS
     Capabilities if i
     >> dont set the SRS manually in Geoserver.
     >> thanks in advance and best regards.
     >> Laura

     Laura Díaz Sánchez
     Institute of New Imaging Technologies: http://www.init.uji.es
     Geographic Information research group: http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
     Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, Spain

     The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
     Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in
     the business
     Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term
     Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone
     call away.
     Geoserver-users mailing list

Justin Deoliveira
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Enterprise support for open source geospatial.