Hi all,
I am trying to update from Geoserver 2.14 to 2.22. My Geoserver 2.22 instance starts on a copy of the 2.14 instance’s data. Everything looks good from the administration console.
A major difference is present in the WFS responses : This one is from Geoserver 2.14
<gml:MultiLineString srsName=“http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#3857” srsDimension=“3”>
gml:posList676197.14171868 6332811.49687361 0 676205.71421278 6332795.82409933 0 676220.6667465 6332779.85090715 0 676244.61888527 6332759.23118246 0 676283.79094172 6332732.20673133 0 676325.2299601 6332703.43080496 0 676356.11501381 6332741.40711378 0 676382.92919821 6332782.03057298 0 676396.72379804 6332804.57979136 0 676404.37781378 6332825.87365151 0</gml:posList>
And this one is from Geoserver 2.22
<gml:MultiLineString srsName=“http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#3857” srsDimension=“3”>
gml:posList676197.14171868 6332811.49687361 676205.71421278 6332795.82409933 676220.6667465 6332779.85090715 676244.61888527 6332759.23118246 676283.79094172 6332732.20673133 676325.2299601 6332703.43080496 676356.11501381 6332741.40711378 676382.92919821 6332782.03057298 676396.72379804 6332804.57979136 676404.37781378 6332825.87365151</gml:posList>
As you can see, the Z coordinate is absent from the Geoserver 2.22 response despite the srsDimension value ‘3’. As a result, my code can’t deserialize the LineString anymore.
If I switch my WFS request to WFS=1.0.0 on Geoserver 2.22, the Z coordinate is present :
<gml:MultiLineString srsName=“http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#3857”>
<gml:coordinates xmlns:gml=“http://www.opengis.net/gml” decimal=“.” cs=“,” ts=" ">676197.14171868,6332811.49687361,0 676205.71421278,6332795.82409933,0 676220.6667465,6332779.85090715,0 676244.61888527,6332759.23118246,0 676283.79094172,6332732.20673133,0 676325.2299601,6332703.43080496,0 676356.11501381,6332741.40711378,0 676382.92919821,6332782.03057298,0 676396.72379804,6332804.57979136,0 676404.37781378,6332825.87365151,0</gml:coordinates>
I took some hours to search about this issue but didn’t find anything. Is it a configuration issue ? How could the srsDimension be correct (3) but the Z value ignored only for WFS 1.1.0 ?
Best regards.