I am using Geoserver 2.16.1 with Vector Tile extension.
I was able to publish a multipoint ShapeFile as a vector tile and see it in
my OpenLayers 6 application.
However, the service is very slow.
I am using the application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile format as suggested in https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/extensions/vectortiles/tutorial.html.
The layer contains millions of points, and as the extent I am viewing is
large the points get very long to display on the map.
Their projection is 900913 and the view of my map is 3857, so I guess this
is fine as there should be no reprojection going on slowing down the
I tried to seed the cache going to speed up everything.
I went into Tile Caching -> Tile Layers -> <My_layer> and clicking the
"Seed/Truncate" link.
Then, I chose:
- Type of operation: Seed - generate missing tiles
- grid set: EPSG:900913
- format: application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile
- scale: 0 to 14.
and pressed submit.
After less than 5 minutes, apparently the process ended successfully, but
under disk usage I still se N/A.
So I guess that no cache has been seeded, right?
What am I doing wrong? Is it not the best choice to use vector tile for my
I enabled it and it now shows 16.55 MB.
I emptied and seeded it again to see if the number was correct and it is
However, the performance of the map is still very poor.
I imagine it has to do with the great number of points to show at low
Is there a way to control how the tiles are generated (like, selecting an
algorithm to reduce the number of points at low scales or similar?).
The only thing I could found was talking about using tippecanoe software fir
this, but I was wondering if Geoserver has something for it.
You may wish to filter the number of points using rules when you zoomed out so your vector tiles are not so large.
One of the reasons to do vector tiles is to take control of these kind of performance considerations.