[Geoserver-users] WFS 1.1.0 getFeature request not working


I’m attempting to submit a GetFeature request to GeoServer (2.1.3) using the POST method. I want to use WFS 1.1.0/gml3 so that I get a “number of features= x” response (WFS 1.0.0 doesn’t return this). I’m using an ‘Intersects’ filter and I’m supplying the vertices of a polygon for the intersect. The POST data is as follows:

var postData =


var request = new OpenLayers.Request.POST({

url: ‘/ros/geoserver/wfs’,

data: postData,

headers: {

“Content-Type”: “text/xml”


callback: function (response) {

// read the response from GeoServer

var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({});

// Add features to vector layer




failure: function (response) {

alert(“Invalid request”);



Unfortunately, I’m getting the following response from Geoserver:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ows:ExceptionReport version="1.0.0"
  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows">
  <ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode">
    <ows:ExceptionText>java.lang.RuntimeException: Parsing failed for Polygon: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing
Parsing failed for Polygon: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing
java.lang.String cannot be cast to com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing</ows:ExceptionText>

The query works fine if I revert to WFS 1.0.0, but for some reason I’m getting this parsing error with WFS 1.1.0. I can’t see what I’m doing wrong here – can anyone help out please?


Chris Muir

P Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?

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On 15 May 2012 15:24, Muir, Christopher <Christopher.Muir@anonymised.com> wrote:


I’m attempting to submit a GetFeature request to GeoServer (2.1.3) using the
POST method. I want to use WFS 1.1.0/gml3 so that I get a “number of
features= x” response (WFS 1.0.0 doesn’t return this). I’m using an
‘Intersects’ filter and I’m supplying the vertices of a polygon for the
intersect. The POST data is as follows:

I think that GeoServer is expecting a GML 3 polygon in the input so
something like:
673592.1753978 325112.1897978 673577.23973604 325124.8851103



Thanks for your response. I have amended the request to use
<gml:outerBoundaryIs> rather than <gml:exterior>, and now the response
from GeoServer is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wfs:FeatureCollection numberOfFeatures="0"

i.e. it's not returning any features. I'm not sure why this should be?
I've tried reversing the axis order in the vertices (x/y becomes y/x)
but as expected this didn't work either (from what I've read this
shouldn't be necessary for projected crs like EPSG:27700). I'm at a bit
of a loss here.

Incidentally, the comma between the last pair of vertices in the posList
is just a typo - I'm not passing them in with commas.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Turton [mailto:ijturton@anonymised.com]
Sent: 15 May 2012 16:58
To: Muir, Christopher
Cc: geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] WFS 1.1.0 getFeature request not working

On 15 May 2012 15:24, Muir, Christopher <Christopher.Muir@anonymised.com>


I'm attempting to submit a GetFeature request to GeoServer (2.1.3)

using the

POST method. I want to use WFS 1.1.0/gml3 so that I get a "number of
features= x" response (WFS 1.0.0 doesn't return this). I'm using an
'Intersects' filter and I'm supplying the vertices of a polygon for


intersect. The POST data is as follows:

I think that GeoServer is expecting a GML 3 polygon in the input so
something like:
673592.1753978 325112.1897978 673577.23973604 325124.8851103


P Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?

This e-mail (and any files or other attachments transmitted with it) is intended solely for the attention of the addressee(s). Unauthorised use, disclosure, storage, copying or distribution of any part of this e-mail is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please destroy the email, remove any copies from your system and inform the sender immediately by return.

Registers of Scotland does not accept any liability or responsibility for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email or for changes made to this e-mail after it was sent.

All communications to or from Registers of Scotland may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded in order to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. The views or opinions contained within this e-mail may not necessarily reflect those of the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland.


Hello list,
I am having a problem cleaning up following the installation of the native JAI and JAI Image I/O extensions.

Using the online documentation from docs.geoserver.org I installed Java JDK 7 with the JAI 1.1.3 library and JAI Image I/O 1.1 library and then installed the GeoServer WAR into Tomcat. Following this I was able to run GeoServer, set up a WMS service, and have that service successfully served to a map application. The problem comes when cleaning up the JAI JAR files in GeoServer.

According to the cleanup section at the end of http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/production/java.html#production-java, it looks like all I have to do is delete the three files listed and everything should switch to using the native JAI libraries. The process I followed was to stop the GeoServer app using Tomcat manager, deleted the three JAR files from c:\Tomcat\webapps\geoserver\WEB-INF\lib, and then tried to restart GeoServer in Tomcat Manager. I also tried restarting the Tomcat service before starting GeoServer, to no avail.

I know the problem has to do with deleting the three JAR files as GeoServer starts right up when restoring them from the Trash.

Did I miss something when going through the documentation?

Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Service Pack 2
Tomcat 6.0.35
GeoServer 2.1.3 (WAR file)
Oracle Java JDK 7

- Michael


that is GML 2 (gml:outerBoundaryIs). The original example (with gml:exterior) appears to be GMl 3.1.

Kind regards,

On 15/05/12 23:57, Ian Turton wrote:

I think that GeoServer is expecting a GML 3 polygon in the input so
something like:
673592.1753978 325112.1897978 673577.23973604 325124.8851103

Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre


you have a stray comma in your posList. This breaks the parser.

A few other observations:

Your schemaLocation is incorrect. The correct schemaLocation for WFS 1.1.0 is:
GeoServer won't care, but fixing the schemaLocation will help you validate your request.

Your ogc namespace definition on Filter is redundant as you have already defined it in the root element. Again, GeoServer won't care.

Your gml namespace definition is invalid; it has a trailing slash. Namespaces are compared as strings so this matters. It should be:
GeoServer won't care about this either, but valid requests are easier to debug.

Kind regards,

On 15/05/12 22:24, Muir, Christopher wrote:


I’m attempting to submit a GetFeature request to GeoServer (2.1.3) using the POST method. I want to use WFS 1.1.0/gml3 so that I get a “number of features= x” response (WFS 1.0.0 doesn’t return this). I’m using an ‘Intersects’ filter and I’m supplying the vertices of a polygon for the intersect. The POST data is as follows:

var postData =
                                                                           + ' service="WFS"\n'
                                                                           + ' version="1.1.0"\n'
                                                                           + ' outputFormat="text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1"\n'
                                                                           + ' maxFeatures="350"\n'
                                                                           + ' xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs&quot;\\n&#39;
                                                                           + ' xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;\\n&#39;
                                                                           + ' xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&quot;\\n&#39;
                                                                           + ' xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/&quot;\\n&#39;
                                                                           + ' xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs\\n&#39;
                                                                           + ' http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.1.0/WFS-basic.xsd&quot;&gt;\\n&#39;
                                                                           + '<wfs:Query typeName="ROS:titleExtents" srs="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:27700">\n'
                                                                           + '<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;&gt;\\n&#39;
                                                                           + '<ogc:Intersects>\n'
                                                                           + '<ogc:PropertyName>the_geom</ogc:PropertyName>\n'
                                                                           + '<gml:Polygon srs="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:27700">\n'
                                                                           + '<gml:exterior>\n'
                                                                           + '<gml:LinearRing>\n'
                                                                           + '<gml:posList>325114.43014706 673592.1753978 325112.1897978 673577.23973604 325124.8851103 673584.70756692 325114.43014706,673592.1753978</gml:posList>\n'
                                                                           + '</gml:LinearRing>\n'
                                                                           + '</gml:exterior>\n'
                                                                           + '</gml:Polygon>\n'
                                                                           + '</ogc:Intersects>\n'
                                                                           + '</ogc:Filter>\n'
                                                                           + '</wfs:Query>\n'
                                                                           + '</wfs:GetFeature>\n';
                                                             var request = new OpenLayers.Request.POST({
                                                                         url: '/ros/geoserver/wfs',
                                                                         data: postData,
                                                                         headers: {
                                                                                     "Content-Type": "text/xml"
                                                                         callback: function (response) {
                                                                                     // read the response from GeoServer
                                                                                     var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({});
                                                                                     // Add features to vector layer

                                                                         failure: function (response) {
                                                                                     alert("Invalid request");


Unfortunately, I’m getting the following response from Geoserver:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ows:ExceptionReport version="1.0.0"


   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&quot; xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows&quot;&gt;

   <ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode">

     <ows:ExceptionText>java.lang.RuntimeException: Parsing failed for Polygon: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing

Parsing failed for Polygon: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing

java.lang.String cannot be cast to com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing</ows:ExceptionText>



The query works fine if I revert to WFS 1.0.0, but for some reason I’m getting this parsing error with WFS 1.1.0. I can’t see what I’m doing wrong here – can anyone help out please?

Chris Muir

P Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?


This e-mail (and any files or other attachments transmitted with it) is intended solely for the attention of the addressee(s). Unauthorised use, disclosure, storage, copying or distribution of any part of this e-mail is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please destroy the email, remove any copies from your system and inform the sender immediately by return.

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All communications to or from Registers of Scotland may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded in order to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. The views or opinions contained within this e-mail may not necessarily reflect those of the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland.


Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

And while I am being pedantic (never!), WFS 1.1.0 ogc:Query has an attribute "srsName" not "srs".

Kind regards,

On 16/05/12 10:14, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:

GeoServer won't care about this either, but valid requests are easier to

Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

On 16 May 2012 02:55, Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com> wrote:


that is GML 2 (gml:outerBoundaryIs). The original example (with
gml:exterior) appears to be GMl 3.1.

I *knew* I should have gone and looked it up instead of guessing. :slight_smile:


Many thanks for being pedantic Ben! I had suspected that <gml:
exterior> was correct for GML 3.1.1. I applied all the other changes
you noted and the request is now working perfectly. Thanks again!

Here is the working code:

var postData =


            + ' service="WFS"\n'

            + ' version="1.1.0"\n'

            + ' outputFormat="text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1"\n'

            + ' maxFeatures="350"\n'

            + ' xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs&quot;\\n&#39;

            + ' xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;\\n&#39;

            + '

            + ' xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml&quot;\\n&#39;

            + ' xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs\\n&#39;

            + ' http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.1.0/wfs.xsd&quot;&gt;\\n&#39;

            + ' <wfs:Query typeName="ROS:titleExtents"

            + ' <ogc:Filter

            + ' <ogc:Intersects>\n'

            + '

            + ' <gml:Polygon

            + ' <gml:exterior>\n'

            + ' <gml:LinearRing>\n'

            + '
<gml:posList>'325114.43014706 673592.1753978 325112.1897978
673577.23973604 325124.8851103 673584.70756692 325114.43014706

            + ' </gml:LinearRing>\n'

            + ' </gml:exterior>\n'

            + ' </gml:Polygon>\n'

            + ' </ogc:Intersects>\n'

            + ' </ogc:Filter>\n'

            + ' </wfs:Query>\n'

            + '</wfs:GetFeature>\n';

      var request = new OpenLayers.Request.POST({

            url: '/ros/geoserver/wfs',

            data: postData,

            headers: {

                  "Content-Type": "text/xml"


            callback: function (response) {

                  // read the response from GeoServer

                  var format = new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3({});

                  // Add features to vector layer




                  failure: function (response) {

                        alert("Invalid request");




-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Caradoc-Davies [mailto:Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com]
Sent: 16 May 2012 03:20
To: Muir, Christopher
Cc: geoserver-users@anonymised.com
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] WFS 1.1.0 getFeature request not working

And while I am being pedantic (never!), WFS 1.1.0 ogc:Query has an

attribute "srsName" not "srs".

Kind regards,


On 16/05/12 10:14, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:

GeoServer won't care about this either, but valid requests are easier




Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>

Software Engineer

CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering

Australian Resources Research Centre

P Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?

This e-mail (and any files or other attachments transmitted with it) is intended solely for the attention of the addressee(s). Unauthorised use, disclosure, storage, copying or distribution of any part of this e-mail is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please destroy the email, remove any copies from your system and inform the sender immediately by return.

Registers of Scotland does not accept any liability or responsibility for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email or for changes made to this e-mail after it was sent.

All communications to or from Registers of Scotland may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded in order to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. The views or opinions contained within this e-mail may not necessarily reflect those of the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland.


You need to tweak a bit the configuration options of your Tomcat.

Please refer to this blogpost for the full solution and explanation of the problemhttp://geo-solutions.blogspot.it/2010/05/fix-geotools-and-geoserver-not-able-to.html


Ing. Alessio Fabiani
Founder / CTO GeoSolutions S.A.S.

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)

phone: (+39) 0584 96.23.13
fax: (+39) 0584 96.23.13
mobile:(+39) 331 62.33.686


On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 2:02 AM, Michael Smith <MichaelS@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello list,
I am having a problem cleaning up following the installation of the native JAI and JAI Image I/O extensions.

Using the online documentation from docs.geoserver.org I installed Java JDK 7 with the JAI 1.1.3 library and JAI Image I/O 1.1 library and then installed the GeoServer WAR into Tomcat. Following this I was able to run GeoServer, set up a WMS service, and have that service successfully served to a map application. The problem comes when cleaning up the JAI JAR files in GeoServer.

According to the cleanup section at the end of http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/production/java.html#production-java, it looks like all I have to do is delete the three files listed and everything should switch to using the native JAI libraries. The process I followed was to stop the GeoServer app using Tomcat manager, deleted the three JAR files from c:\Tomcat\webapps\geoserver\WEB-INF\lib, and then tried to restart GeoServer in Tomcat Manager. I also tried restarting the Tomcat service before starting GeoServer, to no avail.

I know the problem has to do with deleting the three JAR files as GeoServer starts right up when restoring them from the Trash.

Did I miss something when going through the documentation?

Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Service Pack 2
Tomcat 6.0.35
GeoServer 2.1.3 (WAR file)
Oracle Java JDK 7

  • Michael

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today’s security and
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/

Geoserver-users mailing list

Thank you for the response, but the solutions in the blogpost did not resolve the issue I was having. I ended up getting it to work by putting hardlinks in the GeoServer WEB-INF directory that pointed to the native JAI files installed in the JDK.

The way I had read the documentation it looked to me like the JAI files installed by GeoServer would be different than the native libraries I downloaded and that it was safe to delete them out of WEB-INF because they were no longer required. I wanted to clean the files in GeoServer out because I did not want potentially incompatible versions of the same file on the server.

After making the change, the Server Status page in GeoServer Manager still shows Native JAI as false, but I am going to guess that is because of my use of hardlinks to point to the native libraries. I very well could be wrong, but everything is working so I am going to leave well enough alone now and continue adding services to GeoServer.

- Michael

Alessio Fabiani <alessio.fabiani@anonymised.com> 5/16/2012 3:08 AM >>>

You need to tweak a bit the configuration options of your Tomcat.

Please refer to this blogpost for the full solution and explanation of the


Ing. Alessio Fabiani
Founder / CTO GeoSolutions S.A.S.

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)

phone: (+39) 0584 96.23.13
fax: (+39) 0584 96.23.13
mobile:(+39) 331 62.33.686


On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 2:02 AM, Michael Smith <MichaelS@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello list,
I am having a problem cleaning up following the installation of the native
JAI and JAI Image I/O extensions.

Using the online documentation from docs.geoserver.org I installed Java
JDK 7 with the JAI 1.1.3 library and JAI Image I/O 1.1 library and then
installed the GeoServer WAR into Tomcat. Following this I was able to run
GeoServer, set up a WMS service, and have that service successfully served
to a map application. The problem comes when cleaning up the JAI JAR files
in GeoServer.

According to the cleanup section at the end of
it looks like all I have to do is delete the three files listed and
everything should switch to using the native JAI libraries. The process I
followed was to stop the GeoServer app using Tomcat manager, deleted the
three JAR files from c:\Tomcat\webapps\geoserver\WEB-INF\lib, and then
tried to restart GeoServer in Tomcat Manager. I also tried restarting the
Tomcat service before starting GeoServer, to no avail.

I know the problem has to do with deleting the three JAR files as
GeoServer starts right up when restoring them from the Trash.

Did I miss something when going through the documentation?

Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Service Pack 2
Tomcat 6.0.35
GeoServer 2.1.3 (WAR file)
Oracle Java JDK 7

- Michael

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Geoserver-users mailing list