(1) I can't render the output image as transparent
I looked at the no-transparent-background image problem. This
apparently is JAI's fault, so I've replaced the JAI PNG writer with new
one. It seems to work all the time now. Please test with either SVN
or when 1.3.0-RC1 comes out this friday. Oh, what kind of machine are
you running on and did you install the JAI libraries? What web browser
are you using?
** JAI has 2 PNG writers - one of them worked, the other one didnt.
Also, I've noticed (and someone else reported) that IE doesnt like
transparent PNGs.
You can test this by doing something like this:
<body bgcolor=#ffcccc>
<img src="myPngTransparent.png">
It works fine in FireFox and image processing software, but not in IE.
You'll have to bug microsoft about that. Carolyn mentioned that she
might know how to get around this...
That just leaves you GIF images (which I just improved, so you shouldnt
have too many problems). NOTE: GIF transparency is extreamly basic!
2. "My SLD filter rules don't have any effect on the output."
I'm gonna bet that for this:
That pub_date is of type "string" (not integer).
If so, then the problem that's occurring is Geotools is interpreting
"1993" as an integer, then trying to compare the string "1993" to the
number 1993. Since they're different types, it says they're not equal.
I made the geotools type system a bit smarter so this should work for
you in 1.3.0-RC1.
ps. Did I miss anything?
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