Another issue, GeoJSON coordinates exhibit the same truncation, even though feature properties don’t.
geometry": {
o “type”: “Point”,
o “coordinates”: [
§ 139,
§ -19,
§ 212
· },
· “geometry_name”: “geometry”,
· “properties”: {
o “eno”: 5757,
o “sampling_feature”: “DDH 83-1”,
o “sampling_feature_type”: “borehole”,
o “sampling_feature_subtype”: “petroleum - stratigraphic investigation”,
o “latitude_gda94”: -18.8601667,
o “longitude_gda94”: 138.6970111,
From: Michael Sexton
Sent: Tuesday, 2 November 2021 12:17 PM
To: Humphries, Graham; ‘’
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] ‘Zero’ for Number of decimals (GML and GeoJSON output) in Global settings truncates CSV floats to ints [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Hi Graham
The problem is the setting has an inconsistent behaviour depending on output format
GML32 with number of decimal places 0:
GeoJSON with number of decimal places 0:
“latitude_gda94”: -18.8601667,
“longitude_gda94”: 138.6970111,
CSV with number of decimal places 0:
From: Humphries, Graham <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 November 2021 11:40 AM
To: Michael Sexton <>; ‘’ <>
Subject: RE: ‘Zero’ for Number of decimals (GML and GeoJSON output) in Global settings truncates CSV floats to ints [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
I would not think this is a bug. If there are zero decimal places how can any software reading the CSV know the number is meant to be a float?
This is a limitation of converting to a text file
From: Michael Sexton <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 November 2021 11:19 AM
To: ‘’ <>
Subject: [Geoserver-users] ‘Zero’ for Number of decimals (GML and GeoJSON output) in Global settings truncates CSV floats to ints [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
This affects CSV output format for 2.19.2
The setting of ‘0’ in ‘Number of decimals (GML and GeoJSON output)’ for the Global settings, which for these output formats leaves the number of decimals unbounded, has the unfortunate result of truncating floats in CSV output to integers.
I have not checked if this affects other output formats. Is this bug already known or should I create a JIRA ticket?
Michael Sexton
Data Analyst | MEGIS
Minerals Energy Groundwater | GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61 2 6249 9262 Fax: +61 2 6249 9999
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