GL to X conversion...

s far as I know there are two solutions.
One is from DuPont Pixel
2010 North First Suite
Suite 403, San Jose, Ca 95131
tel: (408) 436-3452
fax: (408) 436-3458

who render GL to a Sun GX,GX+ & CG3 boards as well as their own graprator.
The second is Portable Graphics Inc.
One Technology Center
2201 Donley Drive
Suite 365
Austin Texas 78758-4538
tel:(512) 908-4700
fax:(512) 832-0752

who render to Sun GX,GX+,GS,GT,ZX boards as well as to Evans and Sutherland
Freedom, Kubota, Fairchild and HP graphics accelerator boards.

If there are other solutions then I am interested.

Huw James