I just downloaded the upd_pkg.1.cpio from the server, upacked it (following
the README instructions enclosed) and then couldn't get past the
sh update.sh because there was no gmake4.1 file in the package. Can anyone
tell me how to get around this problem??? Specifically, where is gmake4.1
or do I have to unpack the unpacked upd_pkg.1.cpio package more???Please respond to amante@grouse.pnl.gov
Shane M. Amante
I've just finished compiling 4.1. I retrieved the update in the
directory ../release/src. I assumed that the files labeled
src.update1.cpio.Z.00* (something like that) are the same files
that are in the patch. They seem to be when I compile the code.
Joe Plesha
| HOME OF GRASS ON HP9000s | HP 9000/385 HPUX 9.0 |
| U. S. Geological Survey, BGP | bgdem1.cr.usgs.gov ( |
| Electromagnetic Studies | Phone: (303) 236-1398 |
| Denver, Colorado 80225 | Anonymous FTP site for HP GRASS |