GRASS 4.0 with RDBMS

All Grass friend,

  I want to increase the database management with Grass. As I know, the
   easy way is using the RIM. Unfortunately, RIM is not a powerful DBMS.

  Now we want to increae the database management inside Grass with
   the aid of Oracle.
        Does aonyone in the world has any idea??

  Please give me some information.


  By the way, does anyone try to build a Geographic Expert System with
   Grass? We want to build a system.

Lam Siu-chung
* Lam Siu-chung Centre for Environmental Studies *
* The Chinese University of Hong Kong *
* Phone : (852) 609-6973 InterNet : *
* Fax : (852) 603-5174 BitNet : b130729@cucsc.bitnet *