GRASS 4.1 updates

Please excuse the multiple posting.

The thing is the updates 'upd_pkg.[1-3].cpio' don't appear to have been
compressed. Could some kind person with access to 'moon' compress them. I
hope that our modem connection will last long enough to get the smaller

  Compressed versions of upd_pkg.[1-3].cpio are available
  on []
  in directory /pub/packages/grass/grass4.1/updates
  (maybe a bit nearer to the UK, too).

  The sizes are 347K, 20K and 147K resp.
  Let me know if that is still too big and I'll use my
  new knowledge of split :slight_smile:

Martin Ameskamp, Inst. f. Informatik I (Computing Dept.)
Kiel University, Olshausenstr. 40, 24118 Kiel, Germany
Fax: ++49 431 8804054, Voice: ++49 431 8804474,