[GRASS-dev] batch search and replace from command line?

I'm baffled by Benjamin's error. Did someone else create a gmlib.tcl module? I've been busy on grants and only started to work with it last night. I haven't committed anything.

C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
Director of Graduate Studies
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton>

On Jan 9, 2008, at 10:00 AM, grass-dev-request@lists.osgeo.org wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 15:19:16 +0100
From: Benjamin Ducke <benjamin.ducke@ufg.uni-kiel.de>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] batch search and replace from command line?
To: GRASS devel <grass-dev@grass.itc.it>
Message-ID: <4784D7E4.9030601@ufg.uni-kiel.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Works fine again.
Cheers for the quick fixing.


Markus Neteler wrote:

Sorry, fixed in SVN.


On Jan 9, 2008 2:51 PM, Benjamin Ducke <benjamin.ducke@ufg.uni-kiel.de> wrote:

With a fresh checkout from SVN (done about 3 hours ago),
I now get:

Error in startup script: can't create procedure "GmLib::errmsg": unknown
    while executing
"proc GmLib::errmsg { error args } {
    # send error report and optional message (args) to tk_messageBox

    set message ""

    if { $args !..."
    (file "/usr/local/grass-6.3.svn/etc/gm/gm.tcl" line 543)

when trying to launch gis.m



Markus Neteler wrote:

Done and submitted:
  Changeset 29624 – GRASS GIS

I have used attached script.


On Jan 9, 2008 7:02 AM, Michael Barton <michael.barton@asu.edu> wrote:

I'm betting there is a Unix command to do a batch search and replace of one
string with another in all text files in a directory.

But I don't know what it is.

I'm trying to follow Glynn's advice to create a library of common TclTk
procedures that can be called without calling another instance of gm.tcl
(i.e., without launching another GIS Manager window).

These procedures (e.g., Gm::errmsg) get called a LOT in many modules. I'd
like a way of replacing every occurance of "Gm::errmsg" with "GmLib::errmsg"
in all modules in the TclTk GUI directory.

Can someone tell me if this is possible and, if so, how to do it?



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Benjamin Ducke, M.A.
(Archaeoinformation Science)
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
(Inst. of Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology)
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Johanna-Mestorf-Straße 2-6
D 24098 Kiel

Tel.: ++49 (0)431 880-3378 / -3379
Fax : ++49 (0)431 880-7300

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