[GRASS-dev] [bug #2765] (grass) v.buffer produces strange results

msieczka wrote (Mon, Nov 27 2006 21:26:26):

hamish_nospam@yahoo.com wrote (Mon, Nov 27 2006 02:56:42):

another test:
  v.build.polylines in=ditch_1205 out=ditch_1205_single
  v.buffer ditch_1205_single out=ditch_1205_single_b4 type=area buffer=4

The ditch_1205_single_b4 is an empty vector for me (0 features).

Sorted out. This happens because v.build.polylines removes categories from
centroids, while v.buffer works only on features that have cats.

(This is another bug in v,build.polylines, or bad feature at least - why
should it remove the cats from centroids?).

Once I add the category to the centroid back, by

$ v.category in=ditch_1205_single type=centroid option=add

the output of

$ v.buffer ditch_1205_single_addcat out=ditch_1205_single_addcat_b4 type=area

is OK! (visually, at least; but there are 8 redundant nodes in it!)

Even taking the #4249 bug into consideration and aplying the 'v.clean
tool=prune thresh=0' workaround on ditch_1205_single_b4, and buffering it's
result, the v.buffer output is still empty

This step is not required; IOTW, the buffer is OK in spite of bug #4249, which
causes that the ditch_1205_single, and its's "child" ditch_1205_single_addcat
have doubled vertices on the boundary; but this doesn't mean the bug #4249 is
gone :), only it doesn't do harm in this case.

(BTW - strange, I couldn't reproduce bug #4247 with ditch* data; I need to
look into this tomorrow).

Sorted out. For the bug #4247 to crop out, the input boundary has to be a
polyline already (ie. v.build.polylines corrupts only boundary polylines). See
my recent notes on http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4247.

So, how does that look now to you? (if bugs in v.build.polylines where fixed
we could avoid some cofussion).


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WRT bug #2765, v.buffer errors--

example of vector shape that doesn't get buffered correctly:

GRASS> v.in.ascii out=ditch_1205 form=standard -n << EOF
B 4
600727.68682251 5677973.32091602
600739.16582305 5678137.49568095
600736.32863997 5678140.4618269
600730.63832718 5678056.67823368
B 2
600730.63832718 5678056.67823368
600725.02385533 5677974.01131491
C 1 1
600730.04890192 5678035.56666655
1 1205
B 2
600727.68682251 5677973.32091602
600725.02385533 5677974.01131491

# and then:
GRASS> v.buffer ditch_1205 out=ditch_1205_b1 type=area buffer=1
GRASS> v.buffer ditch_1205 out=ditch_1205_b4 type=area buffer=4

I now have a machine where it fails for me, so some more debug info
to share:

The problem is in lib/vector/Vlib/buffer.c clean_parallel()
(no big surprise there)

Vect_line_buffer() calls Vect_line_parallel() for side 1,

Vect_line_parallel() calls parallel_line() then clean_parallel(),

clean_parallel() creates a centroid in the buffered area, then tests to
see if the new centroid is in the ORIGINAL (smaller) area. In some
cases, the centroid will be within the buffered area, but outside the
original area.

here's a picture and zoom:

since the point is outside the area, that section of the buffer is
thrown away and we get a bad result.
[in point_in_buf() (sd=15.140885 <= d=16.000000) so it returns 1]

actually the erring function is not called point_in_polygon(), it is
called point_in_buf():
  /* is loop in buffer ? */
  if ( point_in_buf( origPoints, px, py, d ) ){

but it is testing vs. origPoints (original shape to be buffered) not
the to-be-cleaned buffer area ??? so not doing "point_in_buf" at all.

I am not sure how to fix that.

see also the note by me in the bug report dated Tue, Oct 10 2006.

other notes:
* v.build.polylines on the original shape fixes it (this time)
* buffer distance in the cleaning step when using bufcol= param is
   also buggy. (only uses the last buffer size value loaded)
