msieczka wrote (Sat, Sep 24 2005 13:00:16):
Paul wrote:
Has it been recently added to PROJ (i.e. the last 5 years )
Maciek wrote:
Yes, few months ago.
If you know the parameters there is no problem to manually set it up by
editing the PROJ_INFO or even put it in with g.proj using EPSG codes or
WKT files etc.
FYI - GDAL doesn't have any EPSG codes for sterea.
Update: now sterea is used in GDAL (1.3.2) and PROJ (4.5 beta) for 14 European
stereographic grids (18 listed below, but 4 are duplicate "deprecated"):
$ grep -B1 '+proj=sterea' /usr/local/share/proj/epsg | awk '/^#/ {print} /^</
{print $1" "$2}'
# NAD83(CSRS98) / New Brunswick Stereo (deprecated)
<2036> +proj=sterea
# Pulkovo 1942(58) / Poland zone I (deprecated)
<2171> +proj=sterea
# Pulkovo 1942(58) / Poland zone II
<2172> +proj=sterea
# Pulkovo 1942(58) / Poland zone III
<2173> +proj=sterea
# Pulkovo 1942(58) / Poland zone IV
<2174> +proj=sterea
# ATS77 / New Brunswick Stereographic (ATS77)
<2200> +proj=sterea
# ATS77 / Prince Edward Isl. Stereographic (ATS77)
<2290> +proj=sterea
# NAD83(CSRS98) / Prince Edward Isl. Stereographic (NAD83) (deprecated)
<2291> +proj=sterea
# NAD83(CSRS98) / Prince Edward Isl. Stereographic (NAD83) (deprecated)
<2292> +proj=sterea
# NAD83(CSRS) / New Brunswick Stereo
<2953> +proj=sterea
# NAD83(CSRS) / Prince Edward Isl. Stereographic (NAD83)
<2954> +proj=sterea
# Pulkovo 1942(58) / Poland zone I
<3120> +proj=sterea
# Pulkovo 1942(58) / GUGiK-80
<3328> +proj=sterea
# Deir ez Zor / Levant Stereographic
<22780> +proj=sterea
# Amersfoort / RD Old
<28991> +proj=sterea
# Amersfoort / RD New
<28992> +proj=sterea
# Dealul Piscului 1933/ Stereo 33
<31600> +proj=sterea
# Dealul Piscului 1970/ Stereo 70
<31700> +proj=sterea
g.setproj should support sterea.
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