[GRASS-dev] [bug #4487] (grass) v.hull, nviz: the GUI window freezes

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4487

Subject: v.hull, nviz: the GUI window freezes

Platform: GNU/Linux/x86
grass obtained from: CVS
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: 2006-05-18

When v.hull (or nviz points=) is called from TCL/TK GUI it spits so many

WARNING: Attributes for category XXX not found

that the window freezes.

I realise this is because "Adapted sites library used for vector points (module should be updated to GRASS 6 vector library)" but many users will not understand it (eg. those who never heard of Grass 5) and for them it makes v.hull and nviz look like it fails/freezes when a big number of point is in the input (on my machine about 400 points is enough to experience this).


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