Maciek wrote:
> Building Grass 5.5 CVS on Ubuntu Dapper RC I get following errors:
> Compilation error in module: src/imagery/i.cca (ignored)
> Compilation error in module: src/raster/r.grow2 (ignored)
> Compilation error in module: src/sites/ (ignored)
> Compilation error in module: src.contrib/SDTS (ignored)
> Compilation error in module: (ignored)
> Compilation error in module: src.contrib/DUKE/r.terraflow (ignored)
Hamish wrote:
cd src/sites/
gmake5and see the error.
(gmake5 may be gmake55 or something, using "new" or "old" build system?)
So I have Ubuntu Dapper installed on my machine, and reproduced the problem. I
tried following Hamish'es tip, but it won't work. See:
$ cd src/imagery/i.cca
Now, whatever gmake* I try (gmake5, gmake, gmake55, gmake54) I'm getting
"bash: gmake5: command not found".
When I try make, it says "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile
found. Stop."
Sorry, I'm a complete dummy here. How do I proceed?
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