[GRASS-dev] [bug #4564] (grass) v.in.ogr w/ large datasets

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4564

Subject: v.in.ogr w/ large datasets

Dear GRASSers,

we have problems importing a large dataset (~300.000 features) with v.in.ogr.
It eats up all mem and dies without importing.

We have tried using with -c (no clean) in order to reduce the mem consumption,
but without luck.

At least this thread seems to be realated to our problem.

Some links to similar problems discussed on the mailinglist:

Radim wrote something about it, but did not elaborate where to start solving
this problem.

Best regards


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this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4564

Subject: v.in.ogr w/ large datasets

Dear GRASSers,

we have problems importing a large dataset (~300.000 features) with
v.in.ogr. It eats up all mem and dies without importing.

We have tried using with -c (no clean) in order to reduce the mem
consumption, but without luck.

At least this thread seems to be realated to our problem.

Some links to similar problems discussed on the mailinglist:

Radim wrote something about it, but did not elaborate where to start
solving this problem.

populating the table will be the problem? Try running "top" in another
window and type "M" to sory by memory use.

Memory use of builing topology isn't a problem until ~ 1-3 million

Try using v.external.

What sort of features? areas? lines? points? 3D?
