[GRASS-dev] [bug #4867] (grass) DBF errors when chart and thematic map displayed

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4867

Subject: DBF errors when chart and thematic map displayed

Platform: Mac OSX
grass obtained from: Other (CDROM etc)
grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries


When you try and display both a vector chart (bar type only) and a vector thematic map, this seems to induce some kind of error in the gis.m. None of the fields in the DBF can be diplayed in the theme (nor even the vector shape of the theme). I tested both the bar chart and thematic layers independently and verified that they were both valid commands. I've posted my gis.m file below. Thanks for any resolve to this.


chart chart for ethanol_plant_rfa_r1
  _check 1
  map ethanol_plant_rfa_r1
  layer 1
  ctype bar
  columns cur_cap,plan_cap
  csize 10
  cscale 0.08
  ocolor black
  fcolors green,yellow
  type_point 1
  type_line 1
  type_boundary 1
  type_centroid 1
  type_area 0
Vector states_2002
  _check 1
  vect states_2002
  display_shape 1
  display_cat 0
  display_topo 0
  display_dir 0
  display_attr 0
  type_point 1
  type_line 1
  type_boundary 1
  type_centroid 0
  type_area 0
  type_face 0
  color #000000
  _use_color 1
  fcolor #AAAAAA
  _use_fcolor 1
  lcolor #000000
  rdmcolor 0
  sqlcolor 0
  icon basic/x
  size 5
  lwidth 0
  layer 1
  lfield 1
  xref left
  yref center
  lsize 8
  _use_where 1
  qsave 0
  qoverwrite 0
thematic thematic map for ag_census_2002
  _check 1
  map ag_census_2002
  type area
  column M178_02
  themetype graduated_colors
  themecalc interval
  where M178_02 > 0
  layer 1
  icon basic/circle
  ptsize 5
  maxsize 20
  nint 6
  colorscheme custom_gradient
  pointcolor #FF0000
  linecolor #000000
  startcolor #ffffce
  endcolor #e4bb00
  border 1
  update_rgb 1
  math 0
  psmap /tmp/foo
  titlefont {times} 14 bold
  tfontcolor #000000
  subtitlefont {times} 12 bold
  labelfont {times} 12
  lfontcolor #000000

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