[GRASS-dev] [bug #4879] (grass) spearfish60: can't set region to 'elevation.dted'

The header file is damaged:

cat $HOME/grassdata/spearfish60/PERMANENT/cellhd/elevation.dted
proj: 1
zone: 13
north: 4927700
south: 4913700
east: 609000
west: 590000
cols: 190
rows: 140
#e-w resol: 100
#n-s resol: 100
format: 0
compressed: 0

This should not be commented.
Someone has to fix it with a text editor and redo the package,
starting from http://grass.itc.it/download/data6.php
(both tar.gz and .zip). This should be noted in the included
HISTORY.txt file, and the version increased by one increment.


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