[GRASS-dev] [bug #5263] (grass) r.to.vect: -v flag doesn't transfer cat values

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5263

Request number 5263 was commented on by 'msieczka' (Maciek Sieczka).
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Cc: hamish_nospam@yahoo.com,grass-dev@grass.itc.it

mlanda wrote (Wed, Feb 28 2007 16:57:04):

Attributes for lines are not ignored (fixed in CVS today). But the problem
with overlapping input raster cells of different value remains. Could be
called as the feature?


After you enabled attribute transfer for feature=line, it shows there is bug
there. Attributes are not transferred correctly from raster to vector lines.

In spearfish, do:

$ r.thin roads out=roads_thin
$ r.to.vect input=roads_thin output=roads_thin_vect feature=line
$ r.to.vect -v input=roads_thin output=roads_thin_vect_cat feature=line

Display them all and take a closer look at the horizontal roads located near
  599447(E) 4921873(N). Query the input raster roads_thin. As you can see the
values of lines on the left and right should be 5 and 4, respectively.
However, in roads_thin_vect there is only one line there, having value=4. In
roads_thin_vect_cat on the other hand, there are 2 lines with cat=5 on the
left and cat=4 on the right, but the line with cat=4 is about 740m too long.

Maybe that's why it was never enabled, ?.


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