[GRASS-dev] [bug #5310] (grass) Coodinate conversion

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5310

Subject: Coodinate conversion

Platform: Mac OSX
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources

Question? I want to have a plug-in for FileMakerPro that can do coordinate conversion between
different coordinate systems as f.ex. UTM and Decimaldegree, NGO and UTM. Is it possible to take
code from the GRASS project to do such a thing? And second; if this is OK to do, is there anybody in
the developer communiy tha could be interested in doing this? We may pay for it, and such a plug-in
may have commersial interest.
Best regards

Håkon Borch

Håkon Borch
Bassengveien 8
N-1512 Moss
E-mail: naturkar@online.no

-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker

Request Tracker wrote:

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5310

Subject: Coodinate conversion

Platform: Mac OSX
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources

Question? I want to have a plug-in for FileMakerPro that can do
coordinate conversion between different coordinate systems as f.ex.
UTM and Decimaldegree, NGO and UTM. Is it possible to take code from
the GRASS project to do such a thing? And second; if this is OK to do,
is there anybody in the developer communiy tha could be interested in
doing this? We may pay for it, and such a plug-in may have
commersial interest. Best regards

I have no idea about writing plugins for FileMaker, but the solution
will almost certainly involve using libproj or the cs2cs program from
the PROJ.4 project. http://proj.maptools.org

GRASS uses a modified version of PROJ.4 internally.

GRASS has a m.proj module, but this is just an integrated frontend to
cs2cs, but a full GRASS install is probably way more overhead than you
really need.

PROJ.4 uses a MIT style license, so you are free to use it without
restriction in a proprietry product, if you so wish. GRASS uses a GPL
license, so any (externally distributed) derived plugin based on GRASS
code would be required to be GPL as well (you can still sell that of
course, but you have to give your customer the source code if they
request it).

There's probably something like this already out there for PostGIS
[ie PostgreSQL db + GIS plugin].
