[GRASS-dev] [bug #5352] (grass) v.db.select segfault if SQL query is malformed

hbowman wrote (Thu, Nov 30 2006 04:54:41):

v.db.select segfaults if SQL query is malformed:

G63> v.db.select -c fish_sites col=site_id where="CAT = 1"

G63> v.db.select -c fish_sites col=site_id where="CAT=1"
Segmentation fault


Why do you think "CAT=1" is malformed and "CAT = 1" is not?

See eg. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_where.asp. Both notations are allowed.

Also GRASS manual mentions both, eg.

d.vect map where="individual='juvenile'
v.db.update map=roads col=exprtest value=cat/nulltest+cat where=cat=1
echo "UPDATE roads SET exprtest=NULL WHERE cat>2" | db.execute

This bug is similar to my recent
http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5341, please see the recent notes.


-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker


Well, that didn't take long. We now have a nasty 6.2.1 blocker bug.
See the spearfish example below.


> v.db.select segfaults if SQL query is malformed:
> G63> v.db.select -c fish_sites col=site_id where="CAT = 1"
> Ai1
> G63> v.db.select -c fish_sites col=site_id where="CAT=1"
> Segmentation fault


Why do you think "CAT=1" is malformed and "CAT = 1" is not?
See eg. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_where.asp. Both notations are

Also GRASS manual mentions both, eg.

d.vect map where="individual='juvenile'

yes you are correct. (fyi, I put that example in, we were tracking
the movements of sea lion pups)

re-testing for that sea lion map, it is only v.db.select that is broken.
d.vect, v.extract work without the extra whitespace.

the column= where= options are newer than 6.0.2, so can't test that, but
they do break in 6.1.0.

This bug is similar to my recent

It is the same bug. Merged.


#includes Brad's updates from 2 days ago

G63> v.db.select -c archsites where="CAT = 1"
1|Signature Rock

G63> v.db.select -c archsites where="CAT=1"
DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error in statement:
SELECT * FROM archsites WHERE CAT=1)
Error in db_open_select_cursor()
ERROR: Cannot open select cursor

G63> v.db.select -c archsites column=str1 where="CAT = 1"
Signature Rock

G63> v.db.select -c archsites column=str1 where="CAT=1"
No Name

G63> v.db.select archsites where="CAT = 1" col=cat

G63> v.db.select archsites where="CAT=1" col=cat

==> that is very bad, it reports the attribute of the wrong cat !


For the thread completeness - Hamish has fixed this in CVS.
