Hello devs,
I was wondering if you could provide me with an example of GRASS’ code that would look
obscure and complicated to a non-experienced programmer, but that at the same time is
nicely explained by the comments (maybe with some pseudo-code)?
I’m looking into that with teaching and (it’s a long shot but…) academic intents.
Prof. Carlos Henrique Grohmann
Institute of Geosciences - Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil
- Digital Terrain Analysis | GIS | Remote Sensing -
Can’t stop the signal.
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Thanks for the answers, but I feel I need to explain myself a bit better.
I’m not looking for example codes (like r.example or v.example), I’m looking for real code,
but more specifically, some piece of code that was wrote in a way that my look confusing
to a beginner programmer, but that is well explained in the comments.
for instance, (python):
actual code:
remove file extensions, join all names and remove white spaces (all at once)
self.nomMerge = ‘Merge_’ + ‘’.join([‘’ if i == ’ ’ else i for i in ‘_’.join([i[:-4] for i in nomMerge])]) + ‘.txt’
explained in comments:
this line is the same as:
a = [i[:-4] for i in nomMerge] # remove file extensions
b = ‘_’.join(a) # first join
c = [‘’ if i == ’ ’ else i for i in b] # remove white spaces
d = ‘_’.join(c) # second join
e = ‘Merge_’ + d + ‘.txt’
I don’t speak C or C++, but I know this kind of situation can happen, so
I’m looking for examples such as the above but in C, or C++
Prof. Carlos Henrique Grohmann
Institute of Geosciences - Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil
- Digital Terrain Analysis | GIS | Remote Sensing -
Can’t stop the signal.
Sent with Sparrow
On Sunday, 22 April 2012 at 01:02, Carlos Grohmann wrote:
Hello devs,
I was wondering if you could provide me with an example of GRASS’ code that would look
obscure and complicated to a non-experienced programmer, but that at the same time is
nicely explained by the comments (maybe with some pseudo-code)?
I’m looking into that with teaching and (it’s a long shot but…) academic intents.
Prof. Carlos Henrique Grohmann
Institute of Geosciences - Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil
- Digital Terrain Analysis | GIS | Remote Sensing -
Can’t stop the signal.
Sent with Sparrow