[GRASS-dev] Custom GRASS command line prompt

I want to alter the default GRASS command line prompt. For my needs, I find it better to have the current Mapset shown along with the Location.

As a first experiment, I edited the corresponding file in place:

grass7_trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/grass70.tmp, line 1039:

  • f.write(“PS1='GRASS %s (%s):\w > '\n” % (grass_version, location_name))
  • f.write(“PS1='G %s (%s/%s):\w > '\n” % (grass_version, location_name, mapset))

Now it appears like: “G 7.0.svn (utm_37s/post):~ >”. My understanding is that I probably need to edit the file:


Do you have customised prompts? Any ideas for a more productive command line?

Thanks, Nikos


I want to alter the default GRASS command line prompt. For my needs,
I find it better to have the current Mapset shown along with the

As a first experiment, I edited the corresponding file in place:
grass7_trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/grass70.tmp, line 1039:

- f.write("PS1='GRASS %s (%s):\w > '\n" % (grass_version, location_name))
+ f.write("PS1='G %s (%s/%s):\w > '\n" % (grass_version, location_name, mapset))

Now it appears like: "G 7.0.svn (utm_37s/post):~ >". My understanding is
that I probably need to edit the file:

Do you have customised prompts? Any ideas for a more productive
command line?

I'd suggest to put the change in ~/.grass.bashrc instead.

fwiw here's what I have there wrt the prompt:

SHORT_VER=`echo "$GRASS_VERSION" | cut -f1,2 -d. | sed -e 's/\.//'`
export PS1='G$SHORT_VER:\W > '
export HISTSIZE=3000


export PS1='G$SHORT_VER:\w > '

as full dir path gets much too long, especially on WinGrass where the
terminal width is a pain to resize.

For simplicity one of my favourites is still just:

export PS1='GRASS$SHORT_VER> '

If you do most of your work with a small set of locations, it might
also be an idea to figure something out with Xresources to color the
terminal background based on which one you're running in.



I want to alter the default GRASS command line prompt.

As a first experiment, I edited the corresponding file in place:

grass7_trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/grass70.tmp, line 1039:

f.write(“PS1='G %s (%s/%s):\w > '\n” % (grass_version, location_name,


Now it appears like: “G 7.0.svn (utm_37s/post):~ >”. My understanding is

that I probably need to edit the file:


Do you have customised prompts? Any ideas for a more productive

command line?

Hamish wrote:

I’d suggest to put the change in ~/.grass.bashrc instead.

Somehow it got stuck in my mind that I need to do it in the source…

fwiw here’s what I have there wrt the prompt:

SHORT_VER=echo "$GRASS_VERSION" | cut -f1,2 -d. | sed -e 's/\.//'

export PS1='G$SHORT_VER:\W > ’

Yes! Was thinking exactly about Gxx :slight_smile:

export HISTSIZE=3000

here: export HISTSIZE=15000 :smiley:


export PS1='G$SHORT_VER:\w > ’


as full dir path gets much too long, especially on WinGrass where the

terminal width is a pain to resize.

Just a thought: would be nice to customise as to have a top or a bottom “info-line”, or two “info-lines” below 80 chars (what’s the max that should be respected?), like

show a “+” for many Mapsets------------------- vvv



|Gxx | Location/Mapset [Mapset2 Mapset3 Mapset4 +] Datum Units

| n=1111111 s=22222222 w=333333 e=444444 ns=4 ew=4 cells=4664r x 4446c


or stuff can go in the terminals title-bar – this, I guess, works easily with a few terminals like xterm.

For simplicity one of my favourites is still just:

export PS1='GRASS$SHORT_VER> ’

If you do most of your work with a small set of locations, it might

also be an idea to figure something out with Xresources to color the

terminal background based on which one you’re running in.

Nice!! I was looking the past week at http://www.funtoo.org/Prompt_Magic.

Thanks a lot!



Now it appears like: “G 7.0.svn (utm_37s/post):~ >”. My understanding is

that I probably need to edit the file:



I’d suggest to put the change in ~/.grass.bashrc instead.


don’t want to waist your time, but I have put soemthing like

SHORT_VER=echo "$GRASS_VERSION" | cut -f1,2 -d. | sed -e 's/\.//'



export PS1='G$SHORT_VER ${GLOCATION}/${GMAPSET}:\w > ’


which doesn’t work! :-/

Where should $LOCATION_NAME, $MAPSET be fed from?

Thanks, N


> Now it appears like: "G 7.0.svn (utm_37s/post):~ >". My understanding is
> that I probably need to edit the file:
> grass7_trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/grass70.tmp


I'd suggest to put the change in ~/.grass.bashrc instead.



don't want to waist your time, but I have put soemthing like

SHORT_VER=`echo "$GRASS_VERSION" | cut -f1,2 -d. | sed -e 's/\.//'`
GMAPSET=`echo "${MAPSET}"`
export PS1='G$SHORT_VER ${GLOCATION}/${GMAPSET}:\w > '

which doesn't work! :-/

Where should $LOCATION_NAME, $MAPSET be fed from?

I got it...

GMAPSET=`g.gisenv get="MAPSET"`



Just a thought: would be nice to customise as to have a top or a
bottom "info-line", or two "info-lines" below 80 chars (what's the
max that should be respected?),

see MarkusN's "[Raster MASK present]" command prompt magic using

"$PROMPT_COMMAND" (set in $GISBASE/etc/Init.sh).

or stuff can go in the terminals title-bar -- this, I
guess, works easily with a few terminals like xterm.

see $GISBASE/etc/grass-run.sh

re. using terminal colors, a web-search finds a number of pages like this:
# putting that into practice:

echo -en "${FG_CYAN}${BG_BLUE}$CLEAR"

# example of adding an RGB border color with a #RRGGBB code:
echo -ne "\033]11;#53186f\007"

for me, xfce4-terminal and rxvt accepted the old EGA colors for fore/background,
but not the full RGB border -- I had to use xterm to see that work.

But I think changing the border with a RGB color per mapset or location would
scale better if you were having a different color for each mapset/location.
Or, for the "MASK present" I'd prefer a red terminal border to the extra line
on the command prompt, so it might be nice to search out what the different
escape codes for gnome-terminal et al. might be.


On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 4:50 AM, Hamish <hamish_b@yahoo.com> wrote:

fwiw here's what I have there wrt the prompt:

SHORT_VER=`echo "$GRASS_VERSION" | cut -f1,2 -d. | sed -e 's/\.//'`
export PS1='G$SHORT_VER:\W > '
export HISTSIZE=3000

Personally I would suggest 30000 lines here (I use 50k). Better save
than sorry :slight_smile:



fwiw here’s what I have there wrt the prompt:

SHORT_VER=echo "$GRASS_VERSION" | cut -f1,2 -d. | sed -e 's/\.//'

export PS1='G$SHORT_VER:\W > ’

export HISTSIZE=3000

Markus Neteler wrote:

Personally I would suggest 30000 lines here (I use 50k). Better save

than sorry :slight_smile:

In reality, I forgot to mention that in /home/nik/.bashrc I have

declare -x HISTFILESIZE=1000000000

declare -x HISTSIZE=1000000

Ha-ha… :smiley:


Hamish wrote:

# example of adding an RGB border color with a #RRGGBB code:
echo -ne "\033]11;#53186f\007"


But I think changing the border with a RGB color per mapset
or location would scale better if you were having a different
color for each mapset/location.
Or, for the "MASK present" I'd prefer a red terminal border to the
extra line on the command prompt, so it might be nice to search out
what the different escape codes for gnome-terminal et al. might be.

hmm, doesn't work so well.

echo -e "\e]11;#aa186f\007"
echo -ne "\e[37m\e[40m$CLEAR"
unset CLEAR

this sets the internalBorder resource (xterm -b) color, but as soon
as something wraps around column 80 it stops being the border color and becomes the background color.

it would be nice to figure a way to get the border color working properly though.


Hamish wrote:

# example of adding an RGB border color with a #RRGGBB code:
echo -ne "\033]11;#53186f\007"


But I think changing the border with a RGB color per mapset
or location would scale better if you were having a different
color for each mapset/location.
Or, for the "MASK present" I'd prefer a red terminal border to the
extra line on the command prompt, so it might be nice to search out
what the different escape codes for gnome-terminal et al. might be.

hmm, doesn't work so well.

this sets the border color in xterm:

echo -e "\e]11;#aa186f\007"
echo -ne "\e[37m\e[40m$CLEAR"
unset CLEAR

..for the internalBorder Xresource (xterm -b), but as soon as something wraps around column 80 it stops being the border color and becomes the background color.

it would be nice to figure a way to get the border color working properly though since it seems like a nice way to do it.



> Do you have customised prompts? Any ideas for a more productive
> command line?


I'd suggest to put the change in ~/.grass.bashrc instead.


I use now the following

export PS1='\[\e[32m\]G$SHORT_VER\[\e[0m\] [ \[\e[33m\]${GLOCATION}\[\e[0m\]
@\[\e[32;1m\]${GMAPSET}\[\e[0m\] ] : \[\e[36m\]\w \[\e[0m\]
\[\e[32;1m\]>\[\e[0m\] '

Apart from the colors (with which I was exeprimenting) I think it's much
cleaner now -- info as a "top" line and the ">" right below in a new line. It
looks like:

G70 [ utm_37s @change_detection ] : .../grassdb/onsight


This eats-up one line. But, 1) it gives all the space for longer commands and
2) it works as a useful "separator" (especially if it is colorised) and makes
searching "back in time" easier.


On Monday 29 of July 2013 17:29:29 Hamish wrote:

Hamish wrote:
> # example of adding an RGB border color with a #RRGGBB code:
> echo -ne "\033]11;#53186f\007"


> But I think changing the border with a RGB color per mapset
> or location would scale better if you were having a different
> color for each mapset/location.
> Or, for the "MASK present" I'd prefer a red terminal border to the
> extra line on the command prompt, so it might be nice to search out
> what the different escape codes for gnome-terminal et al. might be.

hmm, doesn't work so well.

this sets the border color in xterm:

echo -e "\e]11;#aa186f\007"
echo -ne "\e[37m\e[40m$CLEAR"
unset CLEAR

..for the internalBorder Xresource (xterm -b), but as soon as something
wraps around column 80 it stops being the border color and becomes the
background color.

it would be nice to figure a way to get the border color working properly
though since it seems like a nice way to do it.

Yep, it makes "everything" magenta-like. A pity this doesn't work as wanted.
Really good idea. We can always ask... at stackexchange?

