I would like a confirmation for the following, regarding i.topo.corr:
Is SUN_ELEVATION the requested zenith parameter (by i.topo.corr)?
So, given the entry "SUN_ELEVATION = 45.38304417" in the the metadata file
"LT51840322011266MOR00_MTL.txt", then, the production of an illumination model
requires "zenith=45.38304417".
Or is it "zenith = 90 - SUN_ELEVATION", thus it becomes
zenith = 90 - 45.38304417 = 44.616956
generally zenith angle = 90 - SUN_ELEVATION ANGLE indeed.
On 8 January 2013 21:08, Nikos Alexandris <nik@nikosalexandris.net> wrote:
Sorry for cross-posting.
I would like a confirmation for the following, regarding i.topo.corr:
Is SUN_ELEVATION the requested zenith parameter (by i.topo.corr)?
So, given the entry "SUN_ELEVATION = 45.38304417" in the the metadata file
"LT51840322011266MOR00_MTL.txt", then, the production of an illumination model
requires "zenith=45.38304417".
Or is it "zenith = 90 - SUN_ELEVATION", thus it becomes
zenith = 90 - 45.38304417 = 44.616956