I think I found it: It seems that the tcltk profiling tool does not work in a latlong projections.
I just reprojected the map into a projected location and now it works !
So, if this is confirmed, we will either have to add a warning or find a way to use latlong projections.
Michael Barton wrote:
Try this update to profile.tcl. Just drop it into $GISBASE/etc/gm
I found a way to set the max and min elevation according to the region
displayed. This makes more sense. Maybe it will fix your problem too.Michael
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State Universityphone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbartonFrom: Moritz Lennert <mlennert@club.worldonline.be>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 08:33:11 +0200
To: Michael Barton <michael.barton@asu.edu>
Cc: Grass Developers List <grass-dev@grass.itc.it>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] gis.m: cannot get profile from profile toolMichael Barton wrote:
Hi Moritz,
Did you select a raster to profile?
Yes, as you can see in the screenshot, it says in the bottom left:
"Profile for srtm_be".Third button from the left on the
profiler toolbar.
Rather like d.profile, the profiler differentiates between
a map you use as a background to the profiling line (what is shown in the
map display) and the map that you actually use to compute profile values.I understand that, but I still don't get a profile. Actually, I
sometimes do not even get the straight blue line you see in the
screenshot (http://moritz.homelinux.org/grass/gism_profile.png), just an
empty graph.The min and max of the heights on the y axis seem correct, though.
# profile.tcl - Dialog to create profile of raster surface for GRASS GIS Manager
# May 2006 Michael Barton, Arizona State University
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 1999 - 2006 by the GRASS Development Team
# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
# for details.
##########################################################################namespace eval GmProfile {
variable pcan
variable status ""
variable pmap ""
variable pmainframe
variable transect ""
variable tottransect ""
variable pcoords ""
variable pcoordslist ""
variable profilelist ""
variable x
variable y
variable first 1
variable firsteast 0.0
variable firstnorth 0.0
variable east1 0.0
variable north1 0.0
variable east2 0.0
variable north2 0.0
variable tlength 0.0
variable tottlength 0.0
variable linex1 0.0
variable liney1 0.0
variable linex2 0.0
variable liney2 0.0
variable array psegment len #
variable elevrange 0.0
variable elevmax 0.0
variable elevmin 0.0
variable elev 0.0
# select raster map to profile# select base raster map from list and put name in layer tree node
proc GmProfile::select_rast { } {
variable pmap
variable status
variable elevrange
variable elevmax
variable elevmin
set m [GSelect cell]
if { $m != "" } { set pmap $m
#calculate elevation range so all profiles with same window geometry with have
# same scale. Scale depends on region.
set input [exec r.describe -rdq map=$pmap]
regexp -nocase {^([0-9]+) thru ([0-9]+)} $input trash elevmin elevmax
set elevrange [expr $elevmax - $elevmin]# put map name in status bar
set GmProfile::status [G_msg "Profile for $pmap"]
# create canvas for displaying profile
proc GmProfile::create { mapcan } {
global gmpath
global iconpath
global env
global bgcolor
variable pmap
variable pcan
if { [winfo exists .profile] } {return}set ptitle "Profile Window"
toplevel .profile
wm title .profile [G_msg $ptitle]wm withdraw .profile
#wm overrideredirect $txt 1# create canvas for profile
set profilemf [MainFrame .profile.mf \
-textvariable GmProfile::status]
set profile_frame [$profilemf getframe]
set pcan [canvas $profile_frame.can -bg white\
-borderwidth 0 -closeenough 1.0 \
-relief ridge -selectbackground #c4c4c4 \
-width 600 -height 200 ]
# setting geometry
place $pcan \
-in $profile_frame -x 0 -y 0 -anchor nw \
-bordermode ignore# profile control buttons
set pcan_tb [$profilemf addtoolbar]
set pcanbb [ButtonBox $pcan_tb.bb -orient horizontal]
$pcanbb add -image [image create photo -file "$iconpath/gui-profiledefine.gif"] \
-command "GmProfile::profilebind $mapcan" \
-highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 \
-highlightbackground $bgcolor -activebackground $bgcolor\
-helptext [G_msg "Draw profile transect in map display"] -highlightbackground $bgcolor
$pcanbb add -image [image create photo -file "$iconpath/gui-profiledraw.gif"] \
-command "GmProfile::pdraw" \
-highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 \
-highlightbackground $bgcolor -activebackground $bgcolor\
-helptext [G_msg "Draw profile"] -highlightbackground $bgcolor
$pcanbb add -image [image create photo -file "$iconpath/element-cell.gif"] \
-command "GmProfile::select_rast" \
-highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 \
-highlightbackground $bgcolor -activebackground $bgcolor\
-helptext [G_msg "Select raster map to profile"] -highlightbackground $bgcolor
$pcanbb add -image [image create photo -file "$iconpath/gui-erase.gif"] \
-command "GmProfile::perase $mapcan" \
-highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 \
-highlightbackground $bgcolor -activebackground $bgcolor\
-helptext [G_msg "Clear profile"] -highlightbackground $bgcolor
$pcanbb add -image [image create photo -file "$iconpath/file-save.gif"] \
-command "GmProfile::psave" \
-highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief link -borderwidth 1 \
-highlightbackground $bgcolor -activebackground $bgcolor\
-helptext [G_msg "Save profile to EPS file"] -highlightbackground $bgcolor
# add a menu button to set preferences?pack $profilemf -expand yes -fill both -padx 0 -pady 0
pack $pcan -fill both -expand yes
pack $pcanbb -side left -anchor w
set GmProfile::status [G_msg "Profile for $pmap"]
$profilemf showstatusbar status pack $profilemf -fill both -expand yesBWidget::place .profile 0 0 at 500 100
wm deiconify .profile
# bindings for closing profile window
bind .profile <Destroy> "GmProfile::cleanup %W $mapcan"}
# save profile to eps file
proc GmProfile::psave { } {
variable pcan
global env
set types {
{{EPS} {.eps}}
}if { [info exists HOME] } {
set dir $env(HOME)
set path [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -initialdir $dir \
-defaultextension ".eps"]
} else {
set path [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".eps"]
$pcan postscript -file "$path"return
# procedures for marking profile location# bindings for drawing profile transect
proc GmProfile::profilebind { mapcan } {
variable measurement_annotation_handle
variable tlength variable tottlength
variable linex1 variable liney1
variable linex2
variable liney2
variable first
global mon
global GmProfile::msg
# Make the output for the measurement
set measurement_annotation_handle [monitor_annotation_start $mon "Measurement" {}]
if {[info exists linex1]} {unset linex1}
if {[info exists liney1]} {unset liney1}
if {[info exists linex2]} {unset linex2}
if {[info exists liney2]} {unset liney2}
bind $mapcan <1> "GmProfile::marktransect $mapcan %x %y"
bind $mapcan <B1-Motion> "GmProfile::drawtransect $mapcan %x %y"
bind $mapcan <ButtonRelease-1> "GmProfile::getcoords $mapcan"
set GmProfile::msg "Draw profile transect with mouse"
MapCanvas::setcursor $mon "pencil"
set tlength 0
set tottlength 0}
# start profile transect
proc GmProfile::marktransect {mapcan x y} {
variable transect
variable tlength variable tottlength
variable linex1 variable liney1
variable linex2
variable liney2
variable first
variable firsteast
variable firstnorth
variable pcoords
#start line
if { ![info exists linex1] } {
set linex1 [$mapcan canvasx $x]
set liney1 [$mapcan canvasy $y]
}if { $first == 1 } {
set firsteast [MapCanvas::scrx2mape $linex1]
set firstnorth [MapCanvas::scry2mapn $liney1]
set pcoords "$firsteast,$firstnorth"
}set first 0
#check for click with no drag
if { ![info exists linex2] } {
set linex2 $linex1
if { ![info exists liney2] } {
set liney2 $liney1
}$mapcan delete transect
}# draw profile transect
proc GmProfile::drawtransect { mapcan x y } {
variable measurement_annotation_handle
variable transect
variable tlength variable tottlength
variable linex1 variable liney1
variable linex2
variable liney2
variable pcoords
set scrxmov $x
set scrymov $y
set eastcoord [eval MapCanvas::scrx2mape $x]
set northcoord [eval MapCanvas::scry2mapn $y]
set coords "$eastcoord,$northcoord"
set xc [$mapcan canvasx $x]
set yc [$mapcan canvasy $y]
# draw line segment
if {($linex1 != $xc) && ($liney1 != $yc)} {
$mapcan delete transect
$mapcan addtag transect withtag \
[$mapcan create line $linex1 $liney1 $xc $yc \
-fill red -arrow last -width 2]
set linex2 $xc
set liney2 $yc
}# get coordinates for transect nodes and endpoints
proc GmProfile::getcoords { mapcan } {
variable measurement_annotation_handle
variable transect
variable tottransect
variable tlength variable tottlength
variable linex1 variable liney1
variable linex2
variable liney2
variable pcoords
variable firsteast
variable east1
variable north1
variable east2
variable north2
variable pcoords
variable pcoordslist
# draw cumulative line
$mapcan addtag tottransect withtag \
[$mapcan create line $linex1 $liney1 $linex2 $liney2 \
-fill blue -arrow last -width 2]# get line endpoints in map coordinates
set east1 [MapCanvas::scrx2mape $linex1]
set north1 [MapCanvas::scry2mapn $liney1]
set east2 [MapCanvas::scrx2mape $linex2]
set north2 [MapCanvas::scry2mapn $liney2]
# coordinates for use in r.profile
append pcoords "," $east2 "," $north2
# x distance off each transect segment
# First convert map coordinates to profile screen coordinates
# Then add the profile screen coordinates to the profile coordinates list. # Only add east1 and north1 the first time; # continue to add east2 and north2 until ready to draw profile# calculate line segment length and total length
set tlength [expr {sqrt(pow(($east1 - $east2), 2) + pow(($north1 - $north2), 2))}]
set tottlength [expr {$tottlength + $tlength}]
lappend pcoordslist $tottlength
monitor_annotate $measurement_annotation_handle " --segment length\t= $tlength\n"
monitor_annotate $measurement_annotation_handle "cumulative length\t= $tottlength\n"
set linex1 $linex2
set liney1 $liney2
# draw profile
proc GmProfile::pdraw {} {
variable pcan
variable pmap
variable tottlength
variable elevrange
variable elevmax
variable elevmin
variable firsteast
variable firstnorth
variable east1
variable north1
variable east2
variable north2
variable pcoords
variable pcoordslist
variable profilelist
$pcan delete all
set profilelist ""
# calculate screen length and width
set w [winfo width $pcan]
set h [winfo height $pcan]
#calculate graph box and scale extents
set top [expr 0.10 * $h]
set bottom [expr 0.80 * $h]
set height [expr $bottom - $top]
set left [expr 0.2 * $w]
set right [expr 0.9 * $w]
set width [expr $right - $left]
set yscaleright [expr $left - 10]
set xscaletop [expr $bottom + 10]
# create y axis (from 20%x10% to 20%x80% - top to bottom)
$pcan create line $left $top $left [expr $bottom + 5]
# add scale to y axis
$pcan create text $yscaleright $top \
-text $elevmax \
-anchor e \
-justify right
$pcan create text $yscaleright $bottom \
-text $elevmin \
-anchor e \
-justify right
# create x axis (from 20%x80% to 90%x80% - left to right)
$pcan create line [expr $left - 5] $bottom $right $bottom
# add scale to x axis
$pcan create text $left $xscaletop \
-text "0" \
-anchor n \
-justify center
$pcan create text $right $xscaletop \
-text "$tottlength" \
-anchor n \
-justify center# add tick marks
$pcan create line $right $bottom $right [expr $bottom + 5]
$pcan create line [expr $left - 5] $top $left $top
# add transect segment markers
foreach {x} $pcoordslist {
set segx [expr $left + (($x * $width) / $tottlength)]
$pcan create line $segx $bottom $segx $top -fill grey
}# run r.profile
# convert dist elev (stdout) to xy coordinates of profile line
if {![catch {open "|r.profile input=$pmap profile=$pcoords" r} input]} {
while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
if { [regexp -nocase {^([0-9].*) ([0-9].*)$} $line trash dist elev] } {
set pelev [expr $bottom - ($height * ($elev - $elevmin) / $elevrange)] set pdist [expr $left + (($dist * $width) / $tottlength)]
lappend profilelist $pdist $pelev }
catch close $input
# draw profile line
if { [llength $profilelist] > 3 } {
$pcan create line $profilelist -fill blue
# erase profile and clear transects
proc GmProfile::perase { mapcan } {
variable pcan
variable pmap
variable transect
variable tottransect
variable tlength
variable tottlength
variable pcoords
variable pcoordslist
variable profilelist
variable first
variable linex1
variable liney1
variable elevrange
variable elevmax
variable elevmin
$pcan delete all
$mapcan delete transect
$mapcan delete tottransect
set tlength 0.0
set tottlength 0.0
set pcoords ""
set pcoordslist ""
set profilelist ""
set first 1
if { [info exists linex1] } {
unset linex1
if { [info exists liney1] } {
unset liney1
#recalculate elevation range in case region has changed
set input [exec r.describe -rdq map=$pmap]
regexp -nocase {^([0-9]+) thru ([0-9]+)} $input trash elevmin elevmax
set elevrange [expr $elevmax - $elevmin]}
proc GmProfile::cleanup { destroywin mapcan } {
# cleanup procedures on closing profile window
variable pcan
variable transect
variable tottransect
variable tlength
variable tottlength
variable pcoords
variable pcoordslist
variable profilelist
variable first
variable linex1
variable liney1
global mon
set tlength 0.0
set tottlength 0.0
set pcoords ""
set pcoordslist ""
set profilelist ""
set first 1
if { [info exists linex1] } {
unset linex1
if { [info exists liney1] } {
unset liney1
$mapcan delete transect
$mapcan delete tottransect
MapCanvas::restorecursor $mon}