[GRASS-dev] gis.m: query tool broken

Using current cvs head, the query tool seems to be broken. I can't find the relevant commit which shows how mapcanvas.tcl has been changed, but the following diff solves the problem for me. However, not being sufficiently familiar with the entire gis.m code, I prefer not submitting this to CVS before review by Michael.

diff mapcanvas.tcl /usr/lib/grass/etc/gm/mapcanvas.tcl
< variable scr_ew
> variable scr_lr
< set vdist($mon) [expr 10* {($map_ew($mon) / $scr_ew($mon))} ]
> set vdist($mon) [expr 10* {($map_ew($mon) / $scr_lr($mon))} ]


I'll look at it today. Thanks.

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

From: Moritz Lennert <mlennert@club.worldonline.be>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 14:49:58 +0200
To: Michael Barton <michael.barton@asu.edu>, Grass Developers List
Subject: gis.m: query tool broken

Using current cvs head, the query tool seems to be broken. I can't find
the relevant commit which shows how mapcanvas.tcl has been changed, but
the following diff solves the problem for me. However, not being
sufficiently familiar with the entire gis.m code, I prefer not
submitting this to CVS before review by Michael.

diff mapcanvas.tcl /usr/lib/grass/etc/gm/mapcanvas.tcl
< variable scr_ew

      variable scr_lr

< set vdist($mon) [expr 10* {($map_ew($mon) / $scr_ew($mon))} ]

      set vdist($mon) [expr 10* {($map_ew($mon) / $scr_lr($mon))} ]
