However, it will break everyone's GRASS 6 installation (at least on the
Mac) unless GRASS puts some kind of default into the .grassrc6
file--where it is looking for it--
I have no idea about the change that made this bug, but it should only add
to the .grassrc6 file on demand, not by default. Whatever is falling over
because that is not set should initially set itself to "LANG: C" internally
as the default, and be able to deal with older mapsets where it was not
aka don't put some kind of default in there just as an easy fix, instead
fix whatever can't deal with the value being missing to safely cope with
that situation.
what version of 6.4? 6.4.3svn only? or is it in 6.4.2 too?
The problem is that without the LANG= line, the GUI errors out and won't run. Previously, it did not require this line to run.
On Jul 25, 2012, at 4:46 PM, Hamish wrote:
Michael wrote:
However, it will break everyone's GRASS 6 installation (at least on the
Mac) unless GRASS puts some kind of default into the .grassrc6
file--where it is looking for it--
I have no idea about the change that made this bug, but it should only add
to the .grassrc6 file on demand, not by default. Whatever is falling over
because that is not set should initially set itself to "LANG: C" internally
as the default, and be able to deal with older mapsets where it was not
aka don't put some kind of default in there just as an easy fix, instead
fix whatever can't deal with the value being missing to safely cope with
that situation.
what version of 6.4? 6.4.3svn only? or is it in 6.4.2 too?
C. Michael Barton
Visiting Scientist, Integrated Science Program
National Center for Atmospheric Research &
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
303-497-2889 (voice)