[GRASS-dev] [grass-code I][322] r.to.vect feature=lines: the output vector is moved half the resolution east off the input raster

code I item #322, was opened at 2007-03-03 11:46
Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Maciej Sieczka (msieczka)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: r.to.vect feature=lines: the output vector is moved half the resolution east off the input raster
Issue type: module bug
Issue status: None
GRASS component: raster
Operating system: all
Operating system version:
GRASS CVS checkout date, if applies (YYMMDD): 070303

Initial Comment:
In spearfish, r.in.gdal the attached lines.tif and run:

$ g.region rast=lines -a
$ r.to.vect input=lines output=lines_vect feature=line

Display the raster and vector and see how vector is off the raster - like in the attached screendump off.png. It *seems* the problem is that the output vector is moved half the cell resolution east (this is visible on both the vertical and horizontal line).



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