There is another issue for Mac users--and this affects the overall permissions/settings files too.
All directories that begin with a "." are by default hidden from Mac users. Since permissions and settings can be accessed in other ways, this is not a big problem.
But if we are putting addons into the same hidden directory, it is more troublesome.
William has previously put this into the /Library folder as a visible folder. This is a much more sensible place for the Mac. So we need to treat Mac's differently from Linux, like we do Windows.
C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
voice: 480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-727-9746 (CSDC)
fax: 480-965-7671(SHESC), 480-727-0709 (CSDC)
On Dec 14, 2011, at 6:54 AM, wrote:
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 05:53:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Hamish <>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] GRASS extensions/addons mismatch
To: GRASS developers list <>, Martin Landa
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-asciiMartin wrote:
currently the GRASS AddOns extensions are installed on
GNU/Linux to$HOME/.grass<major_version>/addons
and on Windows to
(i.e. if you didn't already have GRASS_ADDON_PATH set to something
custom and you let the defaults make the choice for you)This layout doesn't allow to install extensions for more
installed versions of GRASS. In other words, addons for
GRASS 6.4.2 and GRASS 6.5 are installed on the same placefwiw most of my personal ADDON scripts are scripts not compiled,
and I most often run into this problem when switching between grass
6 and 7 when the module parameters and flags have changed.also I see it every now and then for trying to run new flags on older
grasses which don't have that flag yet.for (my) scripts where grass 6/7 matters I split up $GRASS_VERSION into
majors and minors and test the major version, then if/else to have the
right thing happen automatically. (e.g. change the way I call d.mon)for things within the same major version that want new flags, I have the
start of the script search through --interface or --xml-description and
exit with an error if the GRASS version is too old.
e.g. see the g6/r.out.kml addon script.I'm not proposing either of those for a formal solution as it doesn't
help compiled C modules, but fwiw that's my workaround for version-
proofing my personal scripts.$HOME/.grass6/addons or
$AppData\GRASS<major_version>\addonsI would suggest to change `addons` to
concretely GRASS 6.4.2 addons would be installed to$HOME/.grass6/addons642 or
$AppData\GRASS<major_version>\addons642and GRASS 6.5 to
$HOME/.grass6/addons65 or
$AppData\GRASS<major_version>\addons65What do you think?
the path name gets a bit long, but for compiled code it
seems necessary and I have no better suggestion on how to
improve that or work around it.Other thing is that g.extension (or it's wxGUI front-end) should
automatically ask user to update his/her extensions when you upgrade
GRASS (libgis revision must be same for GRASS and the addons).the classic way would be a g.extension.rebuild script, along the lines
of or perhaps the best solution would be
to have the GUI tick box or button or automatic popup dialog call that
generally installed script for backend processing. (so you don't need
a GUI to upgrade processing modules your headless server)I guess the new ~/.grass6/wx[_config] file could have an entry for
'first time with this ver?' set to 0 or 1 and prompt you on startup
if it was set to 0, then scan the addons modules.xml file for candidates.
(or store x.y.z part of version string that created the ~/.grass6/wx
file IN the wx file and test against that)switching back and forth between versions all day as I do, I can see
how clicking [no, leave me alone] 10 times a day would get annoying
very current version in the $addons/modules.xml file?
or maybe better within each individual xml <module> entry?
how well does the ~/.grass6/wx config file cope with added/removed
options if the config file is more than one or two versions out of date?
I've seen too many times to recall other C/C++ GUI apps crashing because
of that issue. It's very nice to have your preferences carry through,
but will those wx files stay forward+backward compatible for all .grass6/
and .grass7/ ?2c,
Hamishps- outstanding question: should sudo/system wide installs of addons
done with be allowed to delete files from the main
$GISBASE base or not?