#24: Zoom in / Zoom out enhancement
Reporter: zanollim | Owner: grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: trivial | Milestone: 6.3.0
Component: Python | Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: |
Zoom in and Zoom out work only if you drag a box with the mouse on the
map. It is better if Zoom in and Zoom out work also with a simple click
with the mouse.[[BR]]
For example:[[BR]]
* Zoom in --> click on the map --> zoom in 2x centered on the point
* Zoom out --> click on the map --> zoom out 2x centered on the point
In fact you CAN zoom in and out with a single click in both the TclTk GUI
and wxPython GUI. Try it. Pick the zoom in or zoom out tool and click the
I couldn’t see where to CC the dev list with this comment. It came to me and I’m not sure it went to the list. Sorry if it gets posted twice.
Begin forwarded message:
From: “GRASS GIS” <trac@osgeo.org> Date: February 4, 2008 8:28:39 AM MST To: undisclosed-recipients:; Subject:Re: [GRASS GIS] #24: Zoom in / Zoom out enhancement Reply-To:grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
In fact you CAN zoom in and out with a single click in both the TclTk GUI
and wxPython GUI. Try it. Pick the zoom in or zoom out tool and click the
In fact you CAN zoom in and out with a single click in both the TclTk GUI
and wxPython GUI. Try it. Pick the zoom in or zoom out tool and click the