#2409: last call for options keys consolidation
Reporter: martinl | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: blocker | Milestone: 7.0.0
Component: Default | Version: unspecified
Keywords: standardized options | Platform: Unspecified
Cpu: Unspecified |
Comment(by martinl):
Replying to [comment:55 wenzeslaus]:
> > with lookup table `old_key:new_key` we can quite easily fix all
scripts and manual pages. Also parser will understand `old_key` will
continue to work. We were planned to do cleanup some years ago, this
ticket has been open 3 months ago. I believe that it will has good
consequences at the end. We just need to finish the job. That's all.
done in r63209 (feel free to update
source:grass/trunk/lib/gis/renamed_options which would be very valuable to
avoid large consequences you mentioned), eg.
d.rast map=dmt vallist=500-600
WARNING: Please update the interface of the module: option <vallist> has
been renamed to <values>
> This is not user friendly and thus it goes against the original
motivation for the change.
Sorry, I don't understand. Do you think that it's more user friendly when
`d.rast` fails with
ERROR: Sorry, <vallist> is not a valid parameter
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2409#comment:56>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>