#2719: r.watershed + D8 (unexpected results)
Reporter: 180875 | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Raster | Version: unspecified
Keywords: | CPU: x86-64
Platform: Linux |
Dear GRASS Gurus,
During the last days I've discovered a strange behaviour of r.watershed
and D8. The used DEM is the result from a landscape evolution model and
there are no depressions. I cannot use MFD as the D8-FlowDirections input
data of a variety of tools I’ve written during the last years.
I got obviously wrong values for the flow accumulation of r.watershed and
D8. The number of cells in the Flow Accumulation grid at the outlet point
was significantly smaller than the area of the analyzed catchment (spatial
resolution in north south and east west direction is 1) also computed with
GRASS using r.water.outlet and a conversion to Vector (Area).
I checked Flow Accumulation at the the outlet with an alternative code of
a colleague and the contributing drainage area was exactly the value of
the catchment size computed with r.water.outlet.
I further found some deviations in the flow direction grid. In some cases
the flow routing leads to the lowest neighbouring cell which however might
not be the steepest decent. r.watershed chooses sometimes a diagonal flow
direction while the local channel gradient would be greater in horizontal
I started some test runs with very simple geometries. I've defined a ramp
with r.mapcalc that dips in north direction and I expected that this will
also be shown by the flow direction of r.watershed. However, this is not
the case. The synthetic DEM features a watershed!!! See attachment. It
seems that r.watershed fills the region (without need). This strange
behavior disappears by applying the "multiple flow direction" algorithm.
I have tested with the latest versions grass70 , grass71 and grass645.
Here is a test simple test case (grass71) that documents the misbehavior
of r.watershed and D8.
g.region w=0 e=1000 s=0 n=1000 res=1 -p
r.mapcalc "DEM = 1000 - y()"
r.watershed -s elevation=DEM@PERMANENT accumulation=ACC drainage=DIR
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2719>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>