Hi all,
below is my sixth week report.
Best regards,
Wiki page: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2016/BasicCartographySuiteInGRASS
Week 6, July, 11 - July, 15
What did you get done this week?
I met several times with my mentors.
I fixed the bugs in d.legend1. I fixed the shifted side histogram and added option for units 2. I fixed the option for transparent background.
I fixed the transparency for d.northarrow3.
I added some features to low-level module d.vect.legend. It can parse legend file and display vectorlegend now. -
What do you plan on doing next week?
I will meet again with my mentors. I will start implement the d.vect.legend into GUI and for d.mon command. -
Are you blocked on anything?
There were some blockers but with support of my mentors everything is OK.